Current at 11/6/2011 (Online waypoint URL)
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Traditional Cache Riel aux études by Géocacheurs Tourisme Riel (1.5/1)
N49° 53.369  W97° 07.169 (WGS84)
UTM  14U   E 635076  N 5528039
Use waypoint: GC12JND
Size: Regular Regular    Hidden on 5/9/2007
In Manitoba, Canada
Difficulty:  1.5 out of 5   Terrain:  1 out of 5
Recommended for kids  Takes less than an hour  Available at all times  Recommended at night  Available during winter  Wheelchair accessible  Parking available  Public transportation  Bicycles  Stealth required  Needs maintenance 

Riel est un nom reconnu au Manitoba. Ce site fait honneur à Riel et à l'éducation. En effet, cette cache se trouve sur le site du plus ancien établissement d'enseignement postsecondaire de l'Ouest canadien. Les soirées ou fins de semaines vous permettent d'être moins visibles, surtout que cette cache est de grandeur moyenne et peut contenir plusieurs pièces d'échange.
PAT inclus.

Riel is a household word in Manitoba. This site honors both Riel as well as education. In fact, this cache is located on the grounds of the oldest post-secondary educational institution in western Canada. As there are students on site, watch for muggles. This medium size cache allows space for exchange items. Evening or weekends are best times to visit.... unless you're a keener who geocaches in the middle of the night. If you can't make out the hint... you may wish to enroll in French classes at this location. C'est si bon!
FTF included.

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 11/6/2011

Found it 6/14/2007 by Kabuthunk
Man, I think I must have been following behind Slippery for most of the caches in this area. For a string of several caches, I was always logging right underneath his name, on the same day. But... I went after this cache right after the Cathedral cache a little bit West. Given that this cache was created by "Géocacheurs Tourisme Riel", I was quite curious as to what was in store for me at this one.

At first, the coords were trying to point me towards some bushy looking area beside the main steps (man, all day the GPS has been bouncing around. I must have REALLY ticked off the satellite gods sometime recently). Not feeling particularily comfortable wandering into there, I decided to step back for a bit and have a looksee at the cache description. Cracking open cachemate on the palm pilot, I discovered... that neither the hint nor the description helped me in the slightest ToungeOut.

By blind luck however, I happened to walk over to the tree-y area to get some shade for a few minutes, and the GPS decided that I was finally close to the coords! YES! No awkward cramming myself into the bushes! Looking high and low, I quickly spotted a discrepancy between what should have been several identical things. Poking around at the first yielded nothing, but the second was a sure-thing.

Perhaps it was because it was still about 2:30 pm, or that it was Thursday, but it was particularily quiet out at this time of day. No pedestrians, students... nothing. A quick extraction of the cache container, and I sat back against a tree to see what lay inside. A Slippery geocoin for one... which I'll be migrating off shortly. Otherwise, a fairly full cache container, with all kinds of tradeables and whatnot. Unfortunately, nothing that caught my eye (well, other than the geocoin ToungeOut, so a chainmail ball found it's way into the cache, and I was able to roll up the ziplock and get it back into the container. Back it went, and another mission was successful!

Really good camo on the cache though. Didn't even realize it was the cache until I examined it up-close. The fact that the first thing I looked at in the area was the non-cache should at least say SOMETHING, anyway ToungeOut.

Took: Norman Geocachers geocoin
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball

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Hints (Back)
Voyageur's term for breaks from paddling.