Secret Zone

A secret you have found. What mysterious things are lurking in this one, you ask?

Ahh, you get to see the state of Kabutroid, as she was in June of 2021. It is... a crazy story, that boils down to missing paperwork and waiting in Canada with naught but the clothes on my back. Twas a crazy period in life.

Piles of clothing, a blanket sitting on cardboard, a computer on top of it. General... unkemptness of a person with no furniture.

The secrets of Kabutroid... who knows what you will find!

I mainly only say that because this one is a bit... eclectic, I guess is the best word. It's like... oh wow, ok, that's... a little bit crazy. It's kinda not much and a lot at the same time. So you get to see a glimpse of a crazy period in my life at one point. Now onwards, to more secrets!
