Kabutroid's sticker book

Do you say sticker book or sticker album?

One of the pages from Kabutroid's sticker album, with cats, a unicorn, a parot, a cardinal, several fuzzy cat stickers, a tractor, a rabbit, a mountain silhouette sticker that was holding some packing paper from an online purchase together, and a whole pile of shiny dragon stickers!
Sticker album!

I figured it's about time I posted/documented my sticker album, just because. Y'see, I had a sticker book as a kid, ages ago, and it had a puffy Care Bears cover, and my sisters got all the younger kids of the family stickers every so often, and it was awesome. And then years ago, like years and years and years ago, it went missing somehow. Might have even disappeared at the first apartment that I ever moved to, it just up and vanished on me. But it never left my mind, and in the past few years, I had been meaning to get one again, start it up. I've had a handful of stickers just kinda kicking around on a clipboard for years now, and generally kept in my backpack so that I could give them away!

Side track, who doesn't like getting stickers?!? EVERYONE loves getting a sticker, either free with an Etsy purchase as a surprise, or from a random stranger who just up and says 'hey, do you want a sticker?' Of course you say yah! And that's what prompted me to carry stickers with me, so that I can offer them to others too! Because it always cheers a person up to get a sticker. I usually carry cat stickers with me ^_^

Back to the sticker album. So after hunting around for a Care Bears sticker album, I guess in the vague hope of finding something similar to my childhood sticker book, but alas, the past must stay in the past in this case. And so, I sought out a sticker album to more fit the current me. A bit smaller, a bit witchy, a bit green, yeah that fits me! A minimalist nature-loving witch cat thing, that about fits me to a T. So I found this album itself on Etsy (along with virtually all of the stickers, except for good old dollar/pound stores, they're always good for stickers :D). And so, I went on a mild spending spree, getting some indigenous stickers, some Metroid stickers, and a few staples that were absolutely required, because they were the most memorable parts of my original sticker album. I needed a puffy sticker, already covered by the Amazon logo that I found on the ground (isn't finding stickers on the ground the best! See the page with the 'chill since pizza' page for my stickers that I've found on the ground. The sparkly ones that I need to get double sided tape to improve were all bunched together, I'm guessing they were once in a bakery's menu or something), I needed scratch and sniff stickers, picking up the popcorn ones (they smell incredible), and I needed fuzzy stickers, for which I found the little tiny fuzzy cat stickers, I may get more fuzzy stickers if I can find them. But those were my 3 major requirements.

Other things in here are just... papers that I taped in, because they're awesome, that plastic sleeve that came with an Etsy purchase that I use to hold cool things that aren't stickers but I want to keep, like the drawing of two Metroids that came with my Samus patch, and other stickers that may have lost their stick (or that stamp from Australia that I cut out) are taped in as well. Same with that one on the cover that says pretty things inside, because that was too awesome not to have on the cover, but I gently peeled it off from some packing tissue paper, so it's adhesive was generally not, and in those cases I tend to tape them down.

And thus is the sticker album, which I will continue to update as I find or receive more stickers :D

Started posting May 9, 2024
The cover of Kabutroid's sticker album, a kinda light swampy green colour with a cat wearing witchy clothing sitting on what could be cabbage leaves, and a pretty pink round sticker in the top right that says pretty things inside, with hearts all around the text. Also there's a little pendant made out of shrink plastic attached to the metal coil of a little butterfly.

The inside cover of the album, which has a little strip of washi tape with the platonic solids that indicate the dungeons and dragon dice shapes in multiple pastel colours. There's a heart shaped plastic lid to a little sample container of Marmite, which is delicious, an 8-bit Samus in the bottom right, and a sticker with the text it's a good day to be indigenous in the bottom left. On the right side of the pic is the first page of the album, showing three stickers that I got from Etsy with dungeons and dragons related purchases, a d20 with a watermelon pattern, a pile of dice in a glass tube, and that black soot creature thing from the Miyazaki movie Spirited Away, holding a d20 dice. There's also a puffy sticker of a pink bear wearing a cute hat taped to a paper with my name KatieLynne in a word bubble. That paper has a note from one of the Etsy sellers, and it was too cute to not keep. The next two pages, the left being mainly Pride stickers, the big Pride Palace sticker down the center, several rainbows, and a big sticker from the pharmacy saying that they owe me my estradiol tablets lol. On the right are more Etsy free stickers, but vaguely witchy, one for Cleric's components where I got my spindown d20 that looks like a potion bottle, an egyptian cat holding a staff, and a crow sticker.
Two more pages, one just filled with little Barbie stickers that came in a book from a Poundland store, two barcodes for tshirts that I got for my wife and I that say Barbie, and yeah, this is pretty much just my Barbie page. On the right are all of the stickers that I found on the ground, several saying chill since pizza and chill since 93, I found a whole pile of these on the ground in one spot, so I plan to distribute the duplicates to spread the love around, one of a little figure crawling out of a coffee pot, and a handful of sparkly stickers of heart pasteries and a lollipop that I found outside all clumped together near some restaurants. More pages, the left one having a plastic sleeve from the Etsy shop Pineapple ISland, I think I got a turtle pendant from there, the puffy Amazon sticker, a big sticker that came on a shipping package from Amazon for a book, Reiki for beginners, mainly just so I can kee one of the shipping stickers, and not worry about keeping any future ones, unless they're for something really cool maybe. There's also a stamp from Australia here, and two tiny stickers of a pin and a paperclip that came free with some other stickers I ordered online. ON the right is some donuts that I pulled off of tissue paper packing, the logo sticker for Noell Tom Studios, another logo for Erika in Glasses, I can't recall what I ordered from them, but something on Etsy, a shiny Mermaid photo, some more washi tape of sets of two hearts arrowed together, a Del Monte banana sticker, a happy mail sticker, and an eagle.
The first page here is a bit random. There's two c ats, a little tractor, some flowers, a shiny unicorn, a bird, a rabbit, another sticker from an Etsy purcahse of a light blue mountain silhouette, several fuzzy cat stickers, and a ball form of Samus in 8 bit that came with a set. On the right is a whole pile of shiny dragon stickers, green, purple, red, orange dragons, either laying down, breathing fire, and otherwise looking happy. I didn't want any angry looking dragons that came with the sticker sheet, the fire breathing one the sole exception, but that one's guarding the dragon egg stickers lol. These pages start with mainly the doubles stuff for my wife and I, there's two unicorns, two butterflies, a scratch and sniff popcorn sticker of two popping popcorns, two flowers, and a handful of cats and a Samus ball sticker with varia suit. The right is more random, some more fuzzy cats, a shiny Canada flag, a flower, a cbicken, another popcorn beside a corn, a standing up Samus with varia suit, a flower, and a shimmery pink stuffed bear.
The left page here is a bit odd, it's mainly just a big sheet of one of the spelljammer ships from dungeons and dragons, the nautiloid ship, just a printout of the floor plans for it, taped down, and with a small star and checkmark sticker that came free on it. It's a cool looking ship to be fair, but mainly that ship because I happened to have printed out extra pages way back when, and cut out the cool pictures from the printouts to give away or in this case put here lol. ON the right is another Pride Palace sticker, a rainbow gradient, more fuzzy cats and a popcorn popping, and a suitless Samus from the end of Metroid. My kinda second Pride page. The first of my Metroid pages, when I ordered 8-bit Metroid stickers, I was not expecting them to be so huge! Like Kraid takes up over a quarter of the height of the page! So we have Kraid looking at Samus facing forwards, kinda referencing the comic in that Samus looks annoyed that Kraid is there, the title Metroid above them, and an 8-bit Metroid above that, and beside that a Kabuto Pokemon sticker, the two kinda representing me. On the right is the first of my indigenous pages, large stickers, the top being an indigenous woman working on some beadwork in her lap, and underneath a large bear claw with the northern lights and a forest silhouetted inside of it.
My second indigenous page, a large rainbow with the northern lights inside of it, Indigenous creature with generally native triangle style patterning behind it, and skoden with a feather behind it, the term skoden being native slang for let's go then. On the right is where I put most of the scratch and sniff popcorn stickers, so these pages smell awesome. More really big Metroid stickers, because there is no way I could fit these on two, or even three pages! Here we have a suitless Samus facing forwards standing beside a Chozo statue with the Varia suit item on it for Samus to collect. That's it for now until I get more stickers. On the right is an absolutely ginormous Mother Brain sticker that takes up a full two thirds of the entire page, and I'll need to get more small stickers of any sort to go around her.
One more Metroid page, thistime with a Varia suit coloured suitless Samus facing towards Ridley, as though she got the earlier Varia suit and is now chatting it up with Ridley in the comic.

The back cover of the sticker album, which is currently blank and also file number 99, to kinda cap off the sticker pages. I may add stickers to the back eventually, but at the present I'm fresh out, and waiting for more to show up in whatever way they do.

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