There was an old lady who lived in the woods She had potions and spells, and all kinds of goods To people who knew here, she was sweet as can be But townsfolk were frightened of what they couldn't see They knew of a witch in the woods that's for sure But had never been told that she was so pure The mayor of town, he got up a brigade Of townsfolk who were tired of being afraid With torches and pitchforks they arrived at her door And asked her to leave, get out, and still more! She was taken aback, and stepped into her place The townsfolk marched in, so fearsome to face The menacing glow of the torch in their eye Made her fearful and scared, and wondering why But just at this time, the mayor called halt For in his left hand, he was holding a pot "Tears of happiness" was what was labelled inside They mayor stood still, his eyes were so wide He looked around slowly, and saw all the things There were potions of luck, and magical rings Scrolls and enchantments and magical tomes Filled up the walls of this witches home His eyes had been opened, and he called to the town "Get rid of your pitchforks, and come gather roun'" They looked at the wares, with wonder and awe Such wonderful things that everyone saw Potions of love, and happiness and joy And even the occasional magical toy By the end of the day, the witch sat in her home The walls were now bare, the shelves sat alone For the townsfolk had bought her every last treat And she was talk of the town, for being so sweet ^_^ KatieLynne