I wish I had been able to write down the Cree word for tie up ceremony. They don't call it a tie up ceremony in Cree, in their language, it roughly translates to "drowning spirits", if I recall. I typed down what I experienced while the lights were off: -------- I have witnessed a tie-up ceremony, a very spiritual, very sacred event. A man, an elder of the Cree people, is tied up in the middle of the room. Each individual finger is tied, and he is covered in a sacred wrap. His mouth is tied, his body is tied, and his legs are tied. The lights are turned off, and immediately the rattles are shaken by the spirits. You see lights and visions through the ceremony, and hear the voices of the spirits, a grandfather, and a wichigo, a bad spirit. The elder has assured us beforehand that he will protect us, and the children in the room. Both spoke, and between we could hear the elder screaming into the ropes. Rattles continued to sound, and an interpreter (the spirits spoke in Cree. Most of the children and those in attendance only know English) translated what they said. The spirits there saw that two people in the room that had a bad spirit in them, and removed them. All throughout, the grandfather and the wichigo were taking turns speaking to us, shaking the rattles, an making lights appear throughout the room. -------- Just... an absolutely phenomenal experience. The spirits spoke to me, asking if I wished to become an elder. I apologised, and said that I had a different destiny to fulfil, my moving to England. I did promise them though, that I would spread Cree culture overseas, to the English folk. I said that, should I return, I would accept their offer. Just... an unbelievably powerful experience.