
Brought back to life
(a bit of a rush-job typing, see updated page here)

An unusual wooden staff, the creature with three faces and two brains.
The first Kabuthunk was lost, and strained from time and thought. No it didn't, but it was lost. The pictures I still had kicking around, and kinda kicked myself for not having it any more in the first place. However, I decided to make it again. Almost the same techniques, almost the same inluded symbols, and the same general carving technique. Well, a little bit different, but overall the same feel.

The three faces are back, though this time, the sorrowful face has been replaced with screeching agony. It's almost as though this one should have come before the last!

We had the option of making that symbol in the center blood red, which was reeEeeally tempting to do, but... it just looked too... too much y'know. I mean it was awesome as heck, but... it like... caused actual fear to look at XD. We left that white.

But yes, this one turned out much better. There are some aspects of the old one that I preferred... the more decrepit looking bottom of it, that looked far more hunched-over-witch just due to its patina. Perhaps this one will age well as well. It still looks too new XD

July 2020
Kabutroid holding the staff, carved but the grip not yet painted in.The face with the screaming eyes, laying on Kabutroid's lap in her carving spot.The pulsating eye, seeming to scream at a thousand decibels.
The biting face, held in the carving spot.The large symbol on the side of the staff, pre-blood.The option that we could have taken, with that symbol being filled in red. It looks so cool, but it was just a little *too* too much.
The top of the staff, laying on the work surface. A cup of Kabutroid's tea is beside it.Showing the tight and intricate linework of the base, in front of a pink door.Showing a closeup of the staff, with our adopted dragon Paul watching from up on the wall.
The staff leaning up in a tub after a varnishing.The biting face of the head, and also showing the painted in handle, in front of a blue backdrop.The staff being held, and showing it from the top down to see the entire base beneath the handle.
Showing the handle and top of the staff, with the biting face facing the camera once again.

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