They are all disgusting souls. Vomiting, peeing, what have you. Mischief and troublemakers. They are on the mend though. They want to do good. This began as a mystery find in the forest. |
East of where I live, is a forest of sparse poplars of all sizes. A grassy floor, beautiful woods. Barely an underbrush to be found. I was scouring for staves. I had been in a carving frenzy, barely finishing one before the next had started. I hunted for a straight one, a poplar that I could carve. I got to a dark part of the forest, so to speak. An overhang of dead branches, a path wide and straight. I am a spiritual person. I talk to everyone. I should make a page about my realm of spirituality, I don't want to prattle on about spirit names and animals all in one go here, so like... click here like, and it'll take you to a page where I prattle on about that. Anyways. |
So I been like chatting it up in this place, talking to the trees, talking to the spirits. Was this the trip where I talked to a pixie in the grass? It might have been. Anyway, I'm wildly spiritual, so I was like talking to everything there, and I get to this dark part. Well I'm like... well hey, let's go see what they have to say. So it was a cordial visit at first, I can't remember what all they talked about. It was a generally gruff tone, but kinda lower. So anyways, I was like 'aw, cheer up' and 'happy days' and like 'the sun!' and stuff, and smiled at them. So I walk off away from them, still hunting for a staff and such. And I find this glorious... beauty, this staff of unparalleled amazingness and design. Just awe. Like... solid to the core, like so-lid. SO many beautiful facets to it, it's got these eyes, which we call diamonds, because it's a diamond willow. Anyways, the original plan was to actually peel this thing! | |
Like, diamond willow looks incredible peeled, it's got these dark bands, and the curvature. So, that was the original goal. I knew that it was full of souls, the old forest told me. Like, that dark forest back there, the second I found this thing, they started talking to me, and like "can I be allowed to take it" and stuff. So I'm like bartering with Them (I'm talking to them, they're making me say barter here XD), and like... awe c'mon, I'm a pretty good artist, I'll carve it up all nice, and describing to them and stuff. And we come to an agreement where I take the staff, and that I take care of the souls inside of it. | |
Now like, I made sure of this, like maaAaade sure, that these guys are here of their own volition. You are not bound to this staff, you are not... unable to leave it. Like, you want to be here, ok, I'm not having any haunted souls stuck here. No like, you guys wanna tag along, let's get this thing. So like, I thank the forest and stuff, and because of what I pulled from the tree there, I got the base of it which will make an amazing base to a lamp, and there are two souls in there. That wood chip has a soul named Tooja. So yah like there's 18 here in total. Aaaaand they're all kinda along for the ride. |