Les caches de Géocacheurs Tourisme Riel sont placées stratégiquement pour vous faire visiter nos quartiers historiques et touristiques. Ce parc fut nommé pour le fondateur de la paroisse Saint-Boniface. Le meilleur temps de visiter est tôt le matin, en fin de soirée ou en fin de semaine. Peux y avoir plusieurs personnes le jour de semaine. La cache contient un PAT, un régistre, un crayon et aiguisoir et des collants et un ballon. Prenez le temps de jouir de la région. Géocacheurs Tourisme Riel caches are strategically placed to have you discover our historical neighborhoods. Take time to visit the area. Located in a park named after the founder of the St. Boniface Parish. Can be quite populated on week-days..best to visit early morning, evening or on the weekend. Easily accessible, this small cache contains log book, pencil, a First-to-find certificate, balloon, and stickers. Watch for teen-age muggles... this is sometimes a busy spot. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
6/24/2007 by Kabuthunk
Well, despite the past week or so of being insanely busy... today included ... I managed to drag my fiancee and friend out for a quick geocache today... which was mainly for the purposes of dropping off Slippery's geocoin that I've had for about a week. I was going to drop 'em in my geocaches about 40km's south of the city, but due to an absolutely insane rainstorm, and spending the "not insane" part of the day chainsawing dead trees at my parent's place... I was unable to make it out to any of 'em.
Hence... geocaching must be done! Despite the business, I vowed to make it out to SOMEWHERE today... and I've had my eyes set on this particular cache since I tackled the ones near it a week ago. I was quite tempted to go after this one a week ago... but having already gone 15 km's at the time, I decided to avoid going too far out of the way.
But... I digress (which I tend to do... sorry). Anyhoo... headed out here with my fiancee and best friend Justin (the former of which stayed in the car due to general sickness). A quick walk later, and we found ourselves across from several kids playing on the swings. This was all fine and good, since Justin spotted the cache nigh-instantly upon walking up to the area, and I just kinda sat back and silently and hiddenly removed the cache from it's hiding spot.
Unfortunately, at the time of signing the log, some guy with a small dog came walking by, so the kids decided to run up and start wanting to pet the dog. So of course, all of this activity is now about 15 feet from us. The dog however turned out to be a good thing, since now all of the children and adults and everyone happened to have their back to us, and were playing with the dog. This opportunity was so big I could have driven a tank through it without being noticed . It was quite easy to slide the cache back into yonder hiding spot and wander off while everyone was admiring the
puntable puppy. Thus leading to a geocoin dropped, a chainmail ball left, and a nice walk during a hot day. It was quite nice though... I kinda like it when it's warmer. At least last night's insane downpour made it a lot less humid out today . Oh, and I also saw a funny sign right nearby this cache... see attached picture
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry, Norman geocoin, and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)