This is our first cache hiding endeavor. We hope you enjoy it... NOTE: A couple of cache-finders mentioned that the cap was hard to remove or impossible to remove (sorry MHz). I screwed it on lightly but it might have expanded and tightened with the nice warm weather. I hid a home-made "wrench" at coordinates: N 49 deg 47.421' W 097 deg 07.987' Please copy these numbers down before heading out to find the cache; you may just need the wrench if the finder before you ate their Wheaties and cranked it back on too tight... It is located about waist-high in the nook of a tree and secured with a wire. Please replace it exactly where you found it and secure with the wire it so it won't fall. Relating to our Nieuport 17 I.D.; we went with an aviation theme for the items in our first cache. Included in the cache are: * First to Find certificate & "Winner" medal. *Winnipeg Flying Club "Happiness is Flying" badge *Canadian Snowbirds "Altitude is Everything" patch *1903/2003 Centennial of First Flight patch *First Flight Commemoration U.S. 25 cent piece *931st Squadron Aerial Refueling Group (ARG) pin (with KC-135 Stratotanker) *Bristol Aerospace Zirconium sample slug * A writing tool (mechanical pencil) And...some small toys for the kids out there........ |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
5/3/2007 by Kabuthunk
Decided to tackle this cache after having taken on the Lotto 6/49 cache a bit to the East, since it was on my way home. And I was biking the entire way... so it would be easy to get in and out of the park. At least the wind was with me this time. The entire way TO the area, I had the wind against me. Fun, fun .
There appeared to be a football game of some sort going on, but I just whipped past everything straight into the park. I was already pretty tired by this point, so going through the grass was pretty rough. But... I prevailed, and found me some geocache. Hurrah!
Although, I saw a biker going into the park as I was leaving. I was actually debating whether it was a geocacher or not. Having read the log prior to mine... it turns out my suspicions were correct. Sorry man, didn't recognize you as I was biking past. Was getting pretty tired at the time, and was putting full concentration into pumping those pedals . And man... Burchil recognized me apparently, as did Bevro at a different cache. Weird. Not often seen, but easily recognizable. I'm like... Bigfoot or something
Although, I DID take something back with me from the geocache. See the attached pic .
Took: Woodtick
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)