Current at 11/6/2011 (Online waypoint URL)
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Traditional Cache Up or Down ? by JBrandt36 (2/1.5)
N49° 51.110  W97° 06.839 (WGS84)
UTM  14U   E 635576  N 5523863
Use waypoint: GC26J5P
Size: Other Other    Hidden on 4/10/2010
In Manitoba, Canada
Difficulty:  2 out of 5   Terrain:  1.5 out of 5
Available during winter 

This cache placement was inspired by my caching buddy 1purplemonkeydishwasher1.

We often talk about potential hiding spots for caches, so I placed one for him to get a smiley face.

Magnetic container only contains a log, BYOP.

Congrats to Yellow sunflowers on the FTF

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 11/6/2011

Found it 5/23/2010 by Kabuthunk
I'm fairly certain that my log will also ring similar to other logs below. However, the ultimate 'turning point' that turned this from a DNF into a find ended up being quite unexpected. So today my wife and I decided to take advantage of the surprisingly nice weather, and figured we'd go for a nice walk outside. Grabbing my geocaching gear, I suggested we head West, since we haven't walked that way previously, and I knew there was several geocaches around there that I hadn't found yet.

A quick trek up St. Anne's and down Fermor later, and we were nearing the coordinates. The coordinates seemed a tad... unusual however. I figured it could be accessed easily from at the lights, so said unusuality quickly disappeared with that thought. Being as it was Sunday afternoon, on a long weekend however, traffic was ridiculously low which allowed me to hop on over. My wife stood off to the side by the YMCA leaning against the railing, waiting for me to make the find.

However, said find did not come as quickly as I had hoped. It didn't help that the GPS decided to keep bouncing me around a little bit here and there. I ended up walking between the two trees a half-dozen times, probably making the cars passing by thing I was insane. Eventually it settled down, and I was able to somewhat narrow down to approximately where the GPS finally decided it should be. But still... nothing.

I pondered the name of the cache for a while, and thought of several other caches that involved an 'up and down' type of... well... anything. Alas, nothing was to be found. My wife called out to me a few times, offering a few random suggestions. None of them ended up being viable. After about 10 minutes, I went with the old standby of 'take a few steps away from the area, then just crouch down and look at the scene as a whole'. That technique has saved me a dozen times. So I sat for about 5 minutes, just... looking. Not looking at specific items, not focusing too much as a whole, just absorbing all of the scenery at once. My eyes kinda wandered over placed here and there, pondering what I'm missing. Still... nothing. I even cracked open my palm pilot and checked the last 4 logs (cachemate only saves that many) and description. Tricky hide apparently, some people didn't "know this was here", which didn't make all that much sense. I figured there had to be... well... SOMETHING obvious that I was missing somewhere. In the end, since we wanted to get on with our walk, I ended up saying 'nuts to it for now' and went back to my wife. Whilst I dejectedly pondered the DNF log later, I began poking at some weird wire thing screwed into the railing my wife was leaning against, hoping that the coordinates were WAY off, and it was somehow that. Nope.

While I was poking, my wife looks across the road. Then back to her leaning spot. Then across the road, then back again. And then my wife... the avid non-geocacher.. stated the single statement that solved virtually EVERYTHING. I'll avoid saying it of course to avoid spoilers, but needless to say, she got a kiss, and we both headed for what would seem the solution.

Thus, the REAL hunt began. Again thankfully, there was very few people out today, so I think all of a single person passed us by, and that was right as my wife solved the problem, so we could wait for them to vacate the area. About 3 minutes later, the cache was in hand BigSmile. Thus, as with everyone else ... the solution is one of those 'kick yourself for your own stupidity once you figure it out' types. And as again with others, despite having passed by here hundreds of times, I too was unaware that such a thing existed in the area. Thankfully however, as I had previously found a similar type of hide in the past, once my wife cracked the nut, the rest was a lot easier Smile.

So thanks for the cache out here. It was definitely a fun adventure Smile.

Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball

PS: Dang log length limits!

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Hints (Back)
After you have figured out the Up or Down part. Head South and remember its magnetic.