We know most of you have seen this type of hide before - but this one may be a little more of a challenge. It was a bit difficult for us to hide at noon. TRAFFIC. This cache will send you head over heels with your behind up high if you are not careful! If it should slip - please be as discreet as possible and retrieve it! There are many items in this cache which would be of interest to a garage sale shopper. Swap if you like or leave something interesting for others. A relatively new magazine, a children's book, stationary, several toys good for travel bugs, a game or two - STUFF! Enjoy a micro Steinbach garage sale and make it "Worth the Trip" See also a relisted cache called "Ye Old Barn" and another new one called "A Little Bit of Magic". |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
9/13/2006 by Kabuthunk
Went caching with my mom for a bit here. Actually circled the area for a little bit before I spotted the cache container. Not exactly the smallest little fella . After quickly realizing that it's not gonna fit through the "seeing it" hole, I looked around for how in the world it could have gotten to it's location. About a minute later, I was inside the cache (well... not literally. That might hurt a bit, and I'm not a travelbug). In either case... strangely, me and my mom looked around in there for a while, and couldn't find even the slightest hint that a logbook was there. Luckly, I was carrying a spare logbook with me (aka, small spiral notepad), so I turned that into the new logbook for this cache. Hope you don't mind... but yeah, there was nothing else to sign. Hope it was the cache owner who snagged the old book, or if they at least get it back. But... it'll be good for a looong time now if this one doesn't disappear :}
Took: Nothing
Left:Logbook, logbook entry, and chainmail ball (see profile)
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)