This is another of the Navaho games taught me by the two Navaho girls from Gallup, New Mexico. The native name is Dil-ye-he = the Pleiades. The Philadelphia Free Museum of Science and Art has an example of the finished pattern, No. 22717, collected by Mr. Culin from the Navahos at St. Michael's Mission, Arizona.
String Figure Notation (SFN)
T mo S pu nLS
M mo FN pu bfTS:re T
T mo-th FN pu-pt fLS:re L
T mo FN pu MN
F mo-pu tTN:T pu tnFS
re tTN:T mu-th pu 2nFS, na T
M mu-th TN ma-th N ar TFN gr-de tS on TFN
re T, ex F up:F mo tfFS pu-tw onto F
This figure differs from "Many Stars" only in the Sixth and Seventh movements; each thumb loop is slipped over the two index loops, instead of both the thumb and index loops being slipped over the loop common to the thumb and index.