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Not gonna get away THAT easily

Hehehe, silly little beetle.

Mother Brain seems to think it would be a great idea if we pulled somebody from Samus's future. Since apparently we're all too weak. She thinks that if we did this, the future enemy would kick her ass easily.
Sounds good, less work for me.
Wait, how is it less work? You have to go find this enemy.
Yeah, but see. Once I find this enemy they can do all my work. I can just sit around while they kill Samus for me.
You're just doing this so you can be lazy?
That's right, problem with that?
No.. it's just. I realize why everyone wanted the job now.
Wait a minute. I fyou guys only have so much of this mineral, why are you sending somebody like me?
Yeah, uhm.. it's really quite easy, and you know MB doesn't like giving out easy jobs to us..

Ugh.. another STUPID errand.
Well, you are the errand boy.
You call me Sir.
..Yes sir..
It's always "Vorock go get a scan", "Vorock go get a powerful enemy from the future", "Vorocok go get me a pizza." It's really quite annoying.
What's a Pizza?
Dunno, sounds like something she'd ask me for.
Out of curiosity, what would happen if I were to.. say.. take this off after I'm already gone?
Oh, yeah. It's connected to your Biorhythms, so if you take it off.. or.. die.. outside of this time period it will self detonate so nobody else can steal our technology.
Good thing I uhm.. wasn't planning to do that.

Metroid, Samus, Kraid, and related characters are all property of Nintendo. Vorock, Rezuni, and all other original characters are my own creations. This comic was created soley by me, using only MSPaint. The html was based off of Hiroshi and Kabutroid's HTML and my own knowledge.