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What are you?

Hello, little one.
What the, WHO'S THERE?!
Follow the drone.
Ah finally, I get to see you face to face.
What the fuck are you?
I could say the same to you.
Welcome to your past.. exactly seven years in your past to be exact.
Now now, I'm not your enemy. I think Samus.. is our common enemy.. yes?
Samus?! I will get REVENGE on her!
Well well.. so our goal is the same. Let us be partners.
Just a simple offer is all it was.

Now, I've only requested my... minion.. bring you here so you may have your revenge. This is seven years in the past, Samus is weak.. you can kill her off before she ever bothers you.
If this is.. seven years in the past.. as you say it. Then Samus hasn't even become my rival yet, hasn't destroyed my original home, hasn't even bothered me yet. Why would I want to kill her?
The only reason I'd kill her is if I had won in a fair fight against her.
Then.. you are of no use to me, we'll just send you back to where0... Oh silly me, that's right.. You destroyed your only way back home, I'll just.. release you then.
Oh, by the way.

I'd refrain from destroying me. Unless you want the whole planet under your feet to go with you.
*moments later*
There's got to be another way to get home!
But first.. I need to find Samus. I hope that.. Brain.. is lying.
But.. where would I find her?
Oh, yeah man, EVERYONE winds up at Ridley's bar.
Oh sweet, take me there someday dude.

Metroid, Samus, Kraid, and related characters are all property of Nintendo. Vorock, Rezuni, and all other original characters are my own creations. This comic was created soley by me, using only MSPaint. The html was based off of Hiroshi and Kabutroid's HTML and my own knowledge.