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What the hell was all that noise?!
Samus?! Ridley, Clara, get in here! She's hurt!
What happened to her?!
Who cares! Make sure she's okay!
Hey.. knock it off. Let go of me.. I'm.. fine..
No, Samus. You're not.

Where's my helmet?!
..Right here.
So, who was that guy?
I have no idea, he acted like he knew me.. but I have never seen him before in my life.
How can you even tell that.. thing was male?
Oh, I don't know. It's ju-..
Samus, I think you might want to know this.
We talked for awhile, before you showed up. He only seemed hostile towards you, and I can't figure out why.
What'd you talk about?

Metroid, Samus, Kraid, and related characters are all property of Nintendo. Vorock, Rezuni, and all other original characters are my own creations. This comic was created soley by me, using only MSPaint. The html was based off of Hiroshi and Kabutroid's HTML and my own knowledge.