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A shadey chat

This was an inside joke, it didn't turn out as good in comic form.

Get away from me.
Hey buddy, I don't care who you are, you're in MY bar.
So, why exactly do you want to see Samus, anyway?
I'm going to KILL HER, THAT'S WHY!
Well, get in line, you're one of many that want to kill her! What's your reasoning?!
She killed me, and forced me to take a form like her own! But she made the mistake of giving me a new life, as well.
Wait just a bloody minute here. That doesn't sound like the Samus I know at all. But that's a damn good reason to want to kill her, I admit.
So it's true.. I really am in thepast.

That big.. brain thing, had one of her little minions drag me here from seven years in the future. I didn't believe it when she said it, but you say it like this Samus is totally different; which gives even more proof.
Oh yeah.. I wouldn't put it past Mother Brain to do something this stupid..
So it wasn't this Samus who hurt you, are you still going to kill her..?
We'll see..
Let me tell you something. I used to be in that line.. but I was brainwashed. Once Samus rescued me from Mother Brain's control, I'd seen the good in her.
I should be thanking you for telling me.
And if you tell anyone else I said any of this, I will personally kill you myself.

So you told us, even though he threatened to kill you?
Yeah.. kinda.. forgot about that until just now.
I still don't understand, why do we keep calling this thing a 'he'. What if it's a girl, or maybe genderless?
I don't know, maybe I'll ask the thing that's about to beat the hell out of me "Hey, what's your gender?" next time.
Look, who cares. We need to get Samus sorted out so she can stop Mother Brain.
I'll need Rezuni's help, but I don't know where to find her.
Oh, she comes in at seven nearly every day.
Bah! It's only ten. I'm going to go to bed for a while, I'm aching all over..
See you in the morning when she gets here.
Sounds like a good idea, I'll sleep, too.

Metroid, Samus, Kraid, and related characters are all property of Nintendo. Vorock, Rezuni, and all other original characters are my own creations. This comic was created soley by me, using only MSPaint. The html was based off of Hiroshi and Kabutroid's HTML and my own knowledge.