Raven Facebiter

Pathfinder 1e

A housefly sitting on Kabutroid's arm, looking out over the character sheet for Raven Facebiter.

A lil fly sitting on Kabutroid's arm, looking at Raven's character sheet. We're looking at the third page of spells, with cape of wasps lol. It's just kinda spread out on the bed, some digital counter and random miscellanea beneath it

Raven Facebiter, the origin. She began as a goblin, true story. My friend was creating a campaign, something about Pathfinder, never heard of it before. Barely knew DND, knew a ton of L5R tho, and he was next to DM. And so Pathfinder 1e. I googled around at feats and stuff, just generally in the wiki. I was living up in northern Manitoba at the time, in beautiful swamp territory true story, so I was searching the wiki for anything like swamp, or slime, or mud.

And that's what led us to Mud Witch. Oh my goodness there's a feat that lets me turn into mud, for reals?!? I mean, I have to, I have to, goblins only? looks like I'm a goblin, generally I am in overall type anyway.

So anyways, the ability to turn into mud decided upon, she progressed from there.

Now, as a minor side-note, as the DM didn't want to deal with monster races in the cities, we agreed to have Raven as a human raised by goblins, and all was well. It worked out for storytelling purposes anyway tho, she came down from the mountains, at an early age, and was raised by the goblins in the swamp. Also the mountain part came from choosing her patron deity goddess for levelling (using a lowercase 'g' here, mainly because this is pathfinder, though in all actuality the lowercase g is unnecessary as anyone can create a Deity to begin with, and of course other Deities will be pulled towards familiar subjects, thus giving the name life to begin with. But in specific relation to pathfinder, I keep it lowercase simply to avoid confusion, due to the *UNBELIEVABLE* number of made-up things in pathfinder and dnd, and having it uppercase just makes everthing feel strange. That said, Ashukharma, You're awesome, but we must use lowercase on this page for the purposes of pathfinder, so apologies for that, but You are still awesome).

Anyways, Ashukharma, goddess of canyons and cliffs. Raven got a number of spells from this deity, which carried her through her travels. From the swamps to adventuring, she obtained prehensile hair, the ability to put everything to sleep, and eventually witch's bounty, the ability to deliver goodberries to everybody. NOW, Raven has gone through a rift of some sort, when she was needed in the D&D world for the purposes of familiarity within my routine.

The Pathfinder campaign continued for a short time after the conversion to D&D, but has unfortunately since gone on hiatus. Will we see this Raven level up again, and see our group castle finished being built, only time will tell. Until then, please see d&d Raven for where her story continued (before this one went on hiatus, to be fair), and otherwise feel free to continue poking at this character sheet, slumbering in wait.

Link to the Raven playlist, the story of Raven in video form.

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