THE WINDMILL                    
                   LOST HOUSE 4                    
    The game started as a concept, just... we      
  gotta do a 3D successor to Lost House 3. Even    
  back in the Lost House 2 days in the 90's I'd    
  pondered such. And then at some point or         
  another in 2022, the brain decided to jump on    
  it. I'd just finished LH3 not long ago, the      
  timing was right... it was time to create...     
  THE WINDMILL.                                    
    It would take me several months to type.       
    And so we had... the physics. The main         
  controlling factor of this game, what am I       
  capable of doing with the simple html, not       
  wanting to go javascript. Just an old-school 3D  
  ASCII creation, in html. So, what physics do we  
  have? We have click, and we have make the page   
  wait X seconds before going to Y page. And a     
  random page generator, like a random line        
  selector, and then print the line. And thus how  
  the game, and our monster, developed their       
    Should we explain how the game works, SURE,    
  this is the about-about! Spoilers ahead!         
  Like all of it lol.                              
    First up, item physics. Due to the game being  
  coded in html, each item comprises its own       
  folder. So when you pick up another item, I      
  have to move you to that item's folder, which    
  is why you can only hold one item at a time.     
  Though that said, some items *can* be combined   
  inside of there.                                 
    Next up, room physics. Now, early on, I had    
  to debate whether to make walls clickable or     
  not. Like the coding aside, I found that the     
  ability to just keep turning around and stuff    
  just took away from the game, made it feel way   
  too open. This is supposed to be a cramped,      
  scary little place that you're trying to get     
  out of, yah that made it way too open. So yah    
  that's why we did the wall thing. Also, it       
  gives a bit of a feel like you're following a    
  wall, because it's really dark, and you can      
  only see the outlines of things. It really adds  
  to the feel.                                     
    Thirdly, the monster. C'mere you feisty        
  little friend, whatcha got going on in there,    
  what's ya thing? Ok now, we gots attack mode,    
  and we gots teleport mode. Now first up,         
  pacifist me here. Yah we gots to have an 'it     
  gets you' mode. Yah, the second place you can    
  get 'monched' on Zebeth, sorry about that. Yah,  
  it was needed for the game physics, having       
  teleport-only made it too comical. So yah, and   
  basically, it made it more suspenseful, aside    
  from just... running in over and over again.     
  Which you can still do, to be fair, infinite     
  lives and such. Also there's boss rush mode and  
  like, different modes of play this makes, poke   
  the bear and run away type of thing, mainly      
  speed-run style stuff. Also Ultra-Boss Mode,     
  ooh hoo hoo, yeah we got that up in here! And    
  the cool stuff at the top of the windmill, yah,  
  there's the cool stuff up there, discovering     
  that and all that fun stuff. And so, we have     
  the physics.                                     
    Now, why are we able to teleport people?       
    Now, being one of the only forms of physics    
  available to us, we needed to keep this. So, we  
  needed an explanation for this. Now, this        
  creature doesn't want you there. It knows where  
  you are, and it's trying to hit you. From its    
  uncontacting, ethereal plane, it's wanting to    
  hit you SO badly, it's trying to hit you SO      
  badly, that the only way that it couldn't have   
  hit you, is if you were in another location.     
  That's the only possible explanation for how it  
  didn't hit you, you must have been somewhere     
  else, said physics. And that's pretty chilling.  
  It wants to attack you SO much, that the laws    
  of physics are literally bent due to the         
  willpower of this creature trying to hit you.    
    It wants you out of its windmill that much.    
    Better find that key there eh? Lol XD          
    And then sometimes, it does get through.       
  Sometimes, the planes intersect at certain       
  places and times, and it gets through.           
  Sometimes for up to half an hour or more, which  
  is how it has built the windmill to this point.  
    It knows that it can get through. It stares    
  at the note beside its bed every single night,   
  as a reminder that it is possible, eyes          
  twitching with every creak of the windmill.      
    Happy little thing, likes its windmill.        
    And so the physics explained.                  
    And I suppose as an obligatory disclaimer, me  
  being the spiritual type and such, no, there     
  is no spiritual energy put into this thing, or   
  into the game itself, in any way, shape, or      
  form. This is purely a make believe thing and    
    That said, I could see the creature in         
  crossover movies and stuff, like... this thing   
  does have a personality back there and all       
  that. Aw yeah I could see it in a battle with    
  other horror movie monsters and stuff, or in     
  D&D, this thing has definitely got to have some  
  D&D-type stats. Ethereal plane, natch, feel      
  free to play around with it, the energy planes   
  or such, y'know something that can see the       
  material plane but can't touch it, is the        
  thing. Might need some custom abilities, but     
  it's a pretty simple creature, six arms, really  
  REALLY wants you out.                            
    Though, as lore has it, it HAS allowed one     
  other to enter its windmill, without reaction.   
  A wizard, as it were, who wished to study it,    
  the creature known to some. He came along at     
  the right time, when aide was required, for the  
  creature needed assistance, its grip on the      
  material plane not staying long enough to do     
  the necessary repairs. The floor that sways, an  
  uneven shaft, it was making the building         
  unstable. The wizard, in his desire to study     
  the creature, hung precariously outside the      
  structure, firming up the walls with hammer and  
  nail. The creature said nothing during this      
  time, it is said, and only looked at the wizard  
  longingly, worried for its creation. The         
  repairs complete, it allowed the wizard time in  
  the building, before slowly, increasingly,       
  growing agitated again before the wizard fled.   
  It is unknown whether others have been allowed   
  to enter, though, you never know.                
    Other lore is hiding in the help pages, so     
  have a look around and see what tidbits you can  
    Oohh, hey, and going back to crossovers again  
  for a second, I could totally see this thing     
  joining a superhero team or something too.       
  Otherwise, I dunno, CR13 creature or something   
  in a tabletop game, generally doesn't wander     
  too far from its windmill, unless said           
  superhero team something something something     
  this thing joins them to save the plane/its      
  windmill kinda thing, aw yeah I could see it     
  going in that direction too.                     
    Anyways, cool creature, cool concept,          
  scraggly ol' html ascii art of a *terrifying*    
  creature, as you feel your way around this       
  mysterious building that you stumbled across,    
  and can barely see inside of, just making out    
  the outlines of objects and things.              
    So, enjoy the game everyone, go and see if     
  you can find the 'cool' thing at the top of the  
  windmill, and have incredible day my friends!    
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