Speed runs for the game
Also counted as walkthroughs. Also spoilers.

A photo of a computer screen, showing a black and white ASCII video game looking into a room, seeing a structure at the end of the room to theright and a ladder leading up to another floor to the left ahead of you.
Default game finish in 2:14 (179 megs)
(YouTube link)

A default finish of the game, where you enter the windmill, find the key, and escape. It could have been slightly better, as I missed clicking directly on a doorknob, and just better mouse movement in general.
A screenshot from the game, recorded with a cellphone being held up to record the monitor of a laptop. The game itself is black and white ASCII first person, showing you looking towards the corner of a room with a ladder and bent structure in front of you, and the mouse cursor hovering over the ladder.
Poke the bear and run away speed run in 4:11 (323 megs)
(YouTube link)

A more elaborate finish of the game, where you enter the basement, which really pisses off the Windmill Monster, and then escape after. A pretty clean run, but a few mis-directions where I got lost :O
Another screenshot from the game, showing you in a corner alcove, where text on the screen says it wants to hit you so badly, it wants to hit you so badly, that sometimes it gets through.
Ride the windmill speed run in ?:??
(No YouTube link yet)

Riding the windmill! You're not sure what this means just yet....
A third screenshot from the game, showing the intro screen to the game, which says the windmill, a long lost windmill, on a very old farm. Do you enter?

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