Park at the given waypoint. Enjoy a romp around the playground in this quite park, or take a seasonal swim in some of the most refreshingly cool waters to be found anywhere along the lakeshore. After all that, head to the coords and find a camo'ed altoids tin. This ones winter friendly (aka: up). |
7/9/2011 by Kabuthunk
Much like gracie891, I discovered that it's probably best to have read the cache description prior to looking for the cache. I however, did not do this initially. As is my wont, I loaded my GPS up with a pile of caches for our trip from Winnipeg to Kenora, and then just kind winged it from there. As it turns out, for every single cache I hunted for today, I required having to pull out my palm pilot to read the cache description, last 4 logs, and usually the hint (although the hint in this one is quite confusing... but the description gave me enough info as is).
So after having messed around in Kenora for a little while today, my wife and I decided to stop at the typical beach that her family would always go to every year through growing up. She had introduced me to this beach a few years after we met, and now to sorta keep the tradition alive, we try to make it out here once or twice a year. Unfortunately, today was supposed to have a forecast of mostly sunny for the better part of the afternoon. Alas, by the time we got to the beach... about 2:00pm, it was still heavily cloudy, and a bit too chilly to try to swim . I DID however twiggle my feet in the water at least, so at least there's that. And as an added bonus, I managed to catch a crayfish in the water, with my hands. I showed it to my wife (poor little guy lost a claw at one point in his life), a family of mom/dad/daughter who happened to be walking along the beach, and then returned him to the surf where he slowly skittered off.
Before all of that water however, the first thing I did when arriving at the beach was go after the cache! I quickly made my way through the trees, and found myself at the top of the hill. I didn't seem to have much luck at walking directly to the coordinates, so I ended up spiralling my way towards ground zero. Once there, I began my fruitless search, whilst being swarmed by mosquitoes. Which actually surprised me a bit... when I was first walking through the shade and up to the hill, the only thing landing on me was fish flies (and plenty of them). They seemed to disappear right around ground zero, and were heavily outnumbered by the mosquitoes that seemed to just appear out of nowhere and go after me. Thankfully however, unlike my wife mosquitoes seem to not be drawn to me nearly as much. Or at least I don't notice them as much perhaps... one way or another, I was able to get about 60 seconds of searching in before having to walk away and around a bit to chase off the mosquitoes before another attempt.
After a few of these attempts, I pulled out my palm pilot and checked the description. Yyyyeah, that would have helped out a whole lot before . Returning to the coordinates, I found the cache in maybe... 20 someodd seconds
. It was quite a bit of a challenge to actually retrieve the cache, but I managed to make it, and quickly returned to the sun where the mosquitoes for some reason were ignoring me (that's right fish flies... land on me all you want. At least you don't bite). A quick signing later, and I dropped in a micromail ball signature item. Returning from whence I came, I replaced the cache with some difficulty, and returned back to the beach where my wife was waiting.
Surprisingly, despite my wife not being a geocacher, she specifically wanted me to find this cache. Y'see, before we went out to Kenora today, we spent a fair amount of time on google maps trying to determine where exactly this beach was and where to turn. Her family typically drove in the past, so we had waypointed the beach itself on my GPS and were hoping it was the right one after consulting with her family on maps as well. Turns out it was fine, since she remembered enough landmarks nearby to be able to get us there GPS or not. But now having found this cache, we know exactly what the name of the park/beach is, and have coordinates to take us down the correct road to get there .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Hints (Back)
"Tell me your name is Robert Wadlow; otherwise, this is a stick up!"