Current at 11/6/2011 (Online waypoint URL)
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Virtual Cache Lake of Little Fishes by Jenn Bellyshorts (1/1)
N51° 24.968  W116° 12.978 (WGS84)
UTM  11U   E 554498  N 5696393
Use waypoint: GCA079
Size: Virtual Virtual    Hidden on 10/26/2002
In Alberta, Canada
Difficulty:  1 out of 5   Terrain:  1 out of 5
*No attributes specified*

A quick cache on the shore of Lake Louise. Lake of Little Fishes is the English equivalent of the name given to this lake by the Native Canadians. It was later renamed Emerald Lake, and then finally Lake Louise.

This virtual cache will only take a few minutes from the parking area. To claim, email me with the answer to the following question (please don't post your answer here!) :

Who unveiled the World Heritage Site plaque?

There are a few other virtual caches nearby worth checking out. We lived in Lake Louise for many, many years. Welcome to our old back yard!

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 11/6/2011

Found it 8/24/2009 by Kabuthunk
Another fun virtual while spending the day out in Banff. My brother, myself, and our significant others had planned to spend two days out in Banff while we were in town. It was actually a surprise of sorts, since my wife and I had just planned on vacationing out at my brother's place in Calgary for the week. However (and very thankfully, I might add), my bro decided to surprise us and take us out to Banff for a few days during our stay BigSmile.

So for the first day we stayed in the main section of Banff, doing the hot-spring thing, and on the second day (ie: today), we were going to do a drive to several interesting sites, and finally make our way back to Calgary. The first stop was A rainbow in the Mist, another virtual that involved an amazing waterfall. After climbing up the slope to right close to the waterfall, we worked our way towards Lake Louise in order to check out the whole 'picture that's on many a postcard' scene. I've gotta say... it's very... tourist-filled ToungeOut. Even on a monday it was ridiculously busy there. Heck, we even had a hard time finding parking, and that's a massive parking lot! But... eventually we prevailed, and found ourselves at the lake. A very nice scene, once we got close to the water past all the tourists. I twiggled my toes in the water a little bit (warmer than the water from the falls, which was being fed pretty much directly by a glacier), and we took a few pictures. Unfortunately, the mountains in the background were fairly obscured by fog or smoke or something. According to my brother, there's apparently been a ton of forest fires happening in BC this year, which has apparently been making the visibility of the mountains kinda sketchy at times. Nonetheless, it was still quite the sight.

Although, for all of the hype built up around Lake Louise, I honestly didn't see why it deserves more hype than say... one of the many other wonderful sites in the mountains of British Columbia. But then, I'm not in marketing, and you never know what's going to catch someone's attention much of the time.

Nonetheless, after various pictures and wandering around a bit, we headed back to the car. We still had many a site to see, and many more a mile to drive before the day would be done.

Thanks for putting the virtual here for us to find. Unfortunately I was lacking time to be able to go after the various other caches that were apparently around Lake Louise, but at least I was able to claim a find on one thing at this place BigSmile.

Took: Pictures
Left: Some wet footprints after twiggling my toes ToungeOut

Nearby Caches
GC9B30 A rainbow in the Mist (20.29 kms NW)
GCMB99 Banff Micro Cache (52.14 kms SE)
GCW2T7 archived Genie in a Bottle (140.69 kms E)
GC1A7Y9 Next Time Around (140.78 kms E)
GCW2F5 archived Rocky Ridge with a view (140.87 kms E)
GCXAWP archived The Ol Fishin' Hole 2 (140.87 kms E)
GC12Q8P Royal View (142.10 kms E)
GC1R0RD Bowness Park Eddies (143.57 kms E)

Hints (Back)
walk towards the boathouse