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Whoops! Gatta go, bye!

Now.. I press this and.. There we go!
*Beep* scanning... scanning... *BEEP* FOUND 8 LIFEFORMS. Scan? Y/N. Y. *Beep* Scanning All. *BEEEP* SCAN COMPLETE. Saving. *beep*
-V.I.P. Lounge-
Come on! Hurry it up in there!! Other people need it too you know!

Finally back? Well, you're a bit too late if you watned the food, Kraid took most of it. I swear he owes me like 30 bucks in food by now.
No, I need to get going. Didn't realize how late it was!

So, uhm, Bye!
Hey, wait, you're not supposed to go behind.. the bar. Yeah, bye.
*Outside the bar*
Mother Brain, I got your stupid scan of Samus and I got scans of everyone else too.
*Bzzt* Good work! Two jobs in one. *Bzzt*
*Bzzt* Come back to Tourian, now. I think somebody is following you, lose them first. *Bzzt*
Oh shit, it's Samus!
*A few minutes later*
DAMMIT! How'd he know I was following him?! I knew I shouldn't have trusted him!

Metroid, Samus, Kraid, and related characters are all property of Nintendo. Vorock, Rezuni, and all other original characters are my own creations. This comic was created soley by me, using only MSPaint. The html was based off of Hiroshi and Kabutroid's HTML and my own knowledge.