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Beeping Bug

Yes, Vorock's a bug, a Stag-Beetle to be exact. That's why he has the huge horns on his head.

Bah.. he'll be back. I'm hungry now.
Argh! I told you not to eat my food, Kraid!
He wasn't eating it, he paid for a replacement for you.
And I paid for your last one!
He also payed your bi-weekly room rent of 20 Zebethians.
Why the hell are you being so nice to me?
Cause I feel like it?
Uh, well. Thanks..

So who was that creepy beetle guy that came in?
I suspect it's one of Mother Brain's new minions.
How can you tell?
Eh.. Just the way he acted. I'm probably wrong.
Well, all I know is I heard him making a lot of funny noise in the bathroom.
And you listened.. why?
Well, he beeped a lot..
He.. BEEPED.. a lot?
Yeah, I'm telling you!

Metroid, Samus, Kraid, and related characters are all property of Nintendo. Vorock, Rezuni, and all other original characters are my own creations. This comic was created soley by me, using only MSPaint. The html was based off of Hiroshi and Kabutroid's HTML and my own knowledge.