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Temperature Difference

Why the hell is it so hard to get away from her?!
*gasp* *pant*
Okay, I'm alone. What did you need to tell me?
*Bzzt* I told you of a.. project I was working on, right before I sent you out to... "investigate" Samus. Well, I've completed the project not an hour ago. I need your help to test it, so forget destroying Samus for now. I need that scan you got of her, so get back here ASAP. *Bzzt*
Ugh, first you send me out to destroy her, then you tell me to just bring a scan of her like a freakin' messenger boy. Now you tell me not to destroy her at all! Make up your mind! No wonder that damn Space Pirate called me her new "Pet".

*Some time later*
Sir Vorock! Good to see you back. Mother Brain would like to-
I already know she wants to see me.
Oh. Well.. then follow me.
Uh.. she's right there, I'm not stupid. Can't I just walk up and talk to her myself?
Look man, I'm just trying to be useful...
You try standing here practically 24/7, with hardly any breaks. And then tell me how you feel after a couple cycles. All I ever do is greet people.. it's really boring. I wish I could be you so I could run around all over killing shit.
Uh yeah, about that. I haven't gotten to kill a single thing yet. I've just been running all over this damn planet as Mother Brain's messenger boy.
..Oh, well screw that. I'll keep my job. At least it's air conditioned in here.

Metroid, Samus, Kraid, and related characters are all property of Nintendo. Vorock, Rezuni, and all other original characters are my own creations. This comic was created soley by me, using only MSPaint. The html was based off of Hiroshi and Kabutroid's HTML and my own knowledge.