The Lizardoth

The butt fugliest thing in existence.


You knew it was coming. Kraid's been made fun of enough, and he's owned it enough, you knew this had to be the case.

So a drunken lab experiment, sounds about right. And the Lizardoth plot and plan...

Stuff! So we finished off another SEVERAL projects this weekend, mostly relating to taking a *TON* of photos for the random draw things.

We have finished up the Bags of Tricks, all three, grey, rust, and tan styles! And of course the mini storylines that make up their random draw things at the bottom of that page (also in the alive linked random draw things).

We have made a page for wild magic surge random number generator, so that's got it's own story now, thank you 2-Minute Tabletop for all of these battle maps, and also Texture Max for the seamless tile textures that make up the webpage wallpaper for those. Very very useful, thank you guys!

And on the almost-done side of things, we have the Bag of Beans, which is mostly done, it just needs a second layer of clear topcoat on the back of the beans, and then several days of drying before I take them out to the park to take photos for THAT random draw thing lol.

And that's basically been the last handful of days for me, it's been actually rather busy (involving running to the shops to print those battle maps, and mini instructions for the bag of beans), lots of dying of jute pouches (and letting it bake in the sun, heat being the universally recommended way of keeping acrylic paint set in fabric), a TON of time painting numbers onto beans, topcoating said beans, and a ton of photo taking! It's been busy lol. But we're almost done. Just 103 or so more photos (100 beans plus I doubt anyone wants me to keep that hand-drawn mini story for them lol), and that'll polish that one off, WOOH! Accomplishing stuff!

Now let's see where this Kraid's origin story goes...


You were in fact... created in a lab.
I was created in the perfect image?!?
Nnnot the words I would have used.
Hey guysh, let'sh create the butt fugliest thing in existensh!!!
You were created during a rager of a party.
What? Why would we wantsh to do that?
Think about it... we can throw it atsh our enemiesh!
There was a race similar to the Luminoth. Their enemies... the Lizardoth.
WOOOH, thish idea ish aweshome!
The ugliesht, fattesht, most dishgushtingisht...
Seeing as the Luminoth were allies to the Chozo, I occasionally visited the Lizardoth.

Most sprites are property of Nintendo, who are awesome and and amazing and stuff, and also this is a parody and also it's always ever been free.
Comics, ideas, Kabutroid, and other custom content owned by KatieLynne Jackson. I'm pretty easygoing, and really don't mind all that much if you make content based on my content and stuff. Just don't go impersonating me and we're cool.