Spiritual wear

The Spiritual stuff that Kabs wears on the reg

Kabutroid wearing a medicine bag, crow, and other Spiritual pendants, wearing an earth green shirt, with the sun coming through a window behind her.
Just all of the Spiritual wear here, since they're all spread out on separate pages, their build details. Also capitalizing all Spiritual words in here, since it seems the most appropriate. I'll just go on about them one by one here, all in one place. I always wear these things when out.

The Pagan Crow is my connection to Lady Dark Angel and Valhalla, with some connections to Freya and Odin. Basically, my Pagan symbol.
The Holy Rosary is for Jesus and the Virgin Mary, who I still talk to regularly. He's a good source of truth and honesty, of being a good person, so I still wear His cross so that I can still preach Him to people.
The Medicine Bag is for my connection to the Cree people, and the Cree Ancestors who I talk with regularly. It also contains my Jack Stone, which was a gift from my cat, waiting for us in Valhalla.
The series of pendants I added to promote polytheism a little, and represent my main connections. A ball of energy to represent the Creator, lightning for Zeus, Avalokitesvara of Tibetan Buddhism, the Divine Feminine, a Pentacle for witchcraft, a fairy to represent the Feyfolk, Ganesha, Mother Earth, a fly to represent the Insect Hivemind, a bit of a Primordial Spirit that I connect to, and a turtle to represent my Spirit Guide, Upulnesayay.
The Bell is my merchant bell, in that, you know in games where you run across that cat merchant in the middle of a forest or something? I'm that. An eclectic little merchant with eclectic little wares in the middle of nowhere. Does she have a dragon for sale, quite likely! Yah most of my wares are magical.
The Bracelet is a symbol of femininity, pretty simple on that one. Simple bangle design, meant to be made out of platinum.
The Ring is of course my connection to my wife Abby, my connection to Her Spiritually, mentally, and physically.

And so is my usual Spiritual wear.
Kabutroid wearing the Medicine Bag, Holy Rosary, Pagan Crow, and Bell. The Medicine Bag is leather, with lots of trailing strands below. The Holy Rosary is made from chainmaille, with red beads and silver line. The Pagan Crow is bronze, and in a stance as though just standing, and the Bell is silver and close to her neck.
A series of seven pendants on a brown leather cord, a bold of lightning, a fairy, an Om symbol, an upright pentacle, Ganesha, a housefly, and a turtle.
Kabutroid's arm, showing a simple platinum (or rather it should be made from platinum) Bracelet, and her wedding Ring.

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