Shout-out to the famous types

As prideful and great as that gay marriage thing was, that picture is just... bright and painful.

So I figured I'd make a comic with how things are going so far.

So far, pretty good. Anyone I've met is generally accepting of all this stuff, and the most flack I've seen in person is a homophobic insult or two muttered under someone's breath. Well, let them harbour their hatred, it'll only hurt 'em in the long run. Muttering under the breath I could care less about. I assume they're attempting to make me feel bad about myself (likely in order to make themselves feel better about themselves), but if I already accept myself and am happy and proud of who I am, things like that just make me chuckle to myself. Whatever, haters gonna hate, no sense wasting my own happiness worrying about what other people have hidden in their closets, mental or otherwise :P

But gotta say, transgender's getting a lot of publicity lately. All kindsa famous people coming out of the woodwork. Those listed in the comic, Caitlyn Jenner, Ruby Rose is getting more prominent in the news lately. Or maybe this is because I tend to look at a lot more news related to transgender issues lately too. But even still, John Oliver did a bit on transgender rights (don't get me started on the whole seperate washroom thing. I've got... opinions on it), other famous people are speaking out every now and then. I think I might be a bit lucky and be riding this wave of acceptance, so to speak. Well, not so much ride the wave as dabble in my little ripple-pool here, but I can *watch* the wave, and of course generally enjoy the additional acceptance that washes in with it :).

Nothing much else to speak of. Thinking of picking a business name so I can sell off some of my chainmaille stuff, or otherwise scrape together some extra money somehow or another. Y'know, it's not gonna cover like... rent or food or whatever, but it'll help.

Now, I've just gotta figure out how all this business bullshit works. I've picked a name, but that's not leaving my mouth until I can get through all of the annoying, and probably expensive, legaleze and paperwork to try to pull this off.

And then get to pay taxes and fees on everything no less.

Bah. Why must one half of my life be so amazing... the 'mental' half, as it were. And then the other half... the 'real' half, so to speak, is a horrific trainwreck of layoffs and Mr. Noodles.

Oh well, I've eaten less.

On a related note, vote for Kabutroid :P

Ahh, smell that air. The grass is green, the sun is shining, and things have been generally going well. Aside from the laid-off part, obviously.
Though at least I've been taking advantage of this unrequested, unpaid vacation. All other global bullshit aside, and relying on EI until construction picks up, the 'personal' side of my life has been going well. Also, I stop traffic.
No seriously, this one time I was biking and dressed in girl-mode, and a truck full-on stopped in the middle of an interesection as I biked past.
Chalked that up to coincidence, but just recently, some student-driver hammered on the brakes as I biked past. It was amusing.

That said, I would rather not be responsible for accidents, so the sooner guys dressed like girls in public becomes 'normal', the better.
So hey, I've got three completely-not-breaking-the-fourth-wall frames left, shout-out to the Chelsea Mannings and Miley Cyruses (Cyrii?) of the world! YOU are the ones making a difference.
NOBODY listens to Joe Average, but EVERYONE listens to Fancy McRich. The more of you that spring up and promote acceptance, the better.
And Manning got the ball rolling in a big way on all this. Massive props to her for all she's done.
*rustle* *rustle*
So yeah, keep doing that. Any of you famous types (that somehow have a non-zero percent chance of reading this) that are hiding being transgender, now's the time to speak up! Jump on the bandwagon, help us all out!
Please and thank you.

Most sprites are property of Nintendo, who are awesome and and amazing and stuff, and also this is a parody and also it's free and stuff.
Comics, ideas, Kabutroid, and other custom content owned by KatieLynne Jackson. I'm pretty easygoing, and really don't mind all that much if you make content based on my content and stuff. Just don't go impersonating me and we're cool.