EEEEEEEEEEK, oh my goodness, so I will be visiting Abby for the first time shortly!!!! We have been video chatting daily, and oh my goodness it's like we're beside eachother ♡

So in a few weeks, I'll be visiting her, assuming all the flights are still running and stuff. I've got flight tickets booked, everything is booked, we're just waiting for the day ^_^

And oh my goodness I arrive on her birthday, EEEEEEEEEEK, how cool is that???? Oh my goodness that was not planned at all, that just kinda happened that way :D

So I'll be out there for two weeks and a day or so, and I'll be in quarantine with her for most of it ^_^

EEEEEEEEK, oh my goodness it is going to be so wonderful ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

C'mon covid, please stay down, please please please, everyone wear your masks and stuff. EEEEEEEEEK, oh my goodness two weeks ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^


EEEEEEEEEK, so I am seeing my dear Abby in a few weeks! Oh my goodness, I am so excited!!!!
SO, assuming everything goes well with the airlines and stuff, and I can get on a plane, I arrive on November 7th, Abby's birthday!!!!
And this was not planned, this just happened to work out this way! I know, right??? So c'mon covid, don't be a meanie, everyone wear your masks and stuff. And like.... EEEEEEEEEK 🥰
So hope hope hope hope hope and stuff, and like... EEEEEEEEE and everything 🥰
This is gonna be her in the comic, she's my little tinkerbell 🥰
EEEEEEEK, hello 😊

Most sprites are property of Nintendo, who are awesome and and amazing and stuff, and also this is a parody and also it's free and stuff.
Comics, ideas, Kabutroid, and other custom content owned by KatieLynne Jackson. I'm pretty easygoing, and really don't mind all that much if you make content based on my content and stuff. Just don't go impersonating me and we're cool.