
Oh wow, there's been a whole shwack-load of updates in the past bit. Both in regards to my life, as well as what I've done on Zebeth. If you've kept up with my life, my last temp-job contract ended, so I've been spending October more or less catching up on things.

For starters, I've begun hormone therapy in my journey of becoming a transwoman (started Oct. 21, 2016). I've got bottom surgery on the horizon, and will see how much my breasts grow in over the coming months. As well, I've submitted the paperwork needed to have my name legally changed to Tannis and my gender to female. Once the certificate for that comes in, I can begin the long, arduous process of changing the rest of my everything to be updated to the correct name.

Otherwise, I've been spending my time both making stuff, and getting around to updating Zebeth to have a place to show it. I think at this point, most everything I've created since the start of my digital life has been saved to Zebeth. To give the most recent additions and updates, I've got a page for my collars, the door banner Arlene, the slingshot Tamara, painting cup bottoms, and jewellery I've been making. I've also added a watch chain, my dragon Celeste, a pair of spatterdashes, and my anklet Selena to the Thingies chainmaille section. As well, I've posted a few short writings that I've done in the past, finally saving them here. There's I like baths, Thinking underwater, and A robust adventure. As one more update, I've updated the Random Image Generator to be current. Over 3000 possible images to see!

So yeah, many digital updates. And hey, it even involves updating the actual comic! There's still a handful of odds and ends I'll be updating, but for the most part my digital life is now about as caught up as my physical life.

Of sorts, anyway. My bucket list still includes taking up programming again, writing a minigame, and one day building and programming a robotic arm mounted beside my door to do things like hold my purse or turn the lights on and off :P

I'm still doing the Livestream occasionally, and you can check out my previous broadcasts here.

All that mentioned, there's not too much else new happening these days. I've been more or less in survival mode, coughing up money to get my name changed and all that, and otherwise only really spending money on food and shelter. It's also getting colder out (despite the Metroids reporting that it's summer now, but I started Zebethian winter about 5 years ago in the middle of summer anyway :P), so that's been keeping me inside more often than not. Watching a lot of movies and whatnot though, getting out to a handful of events, that sort. Just doing my thing and all that :)

WOOH, hormone therapy! I've been feeling myself get a little bit more emotional towards things I normally wouldn't have, so it's getting somewhere. Let the patience train continue.


So hey, things are actually starting to happen! On October 21st 2016, I started hormone therapy of the pill variety, and have also submitted my documents to Vital Statistics to legally be both female and named Tannis Wilbert Julia Harder.
If you haven't looked around the site, I've updated more or less all sections of it, and have now recorded on Zebeth the majority of the things I've made since joining the internet.
What's next? More waiting! No seriously, now I wait for breast tissue to begin to grow, other gradual changes to happen, attend group things, and generally just explore my life and my emotions during transition. Now, I enjoy life to the fullest!
Within budget of course. Those forms weren't free, and my bank is seeing minus numbers again. Now, I hunker down into survival mode, and enjoy life to the fullest that way. At least until I find an income. I can live inexpensive though. I did it before, and I can do it again.

Most sprites are property of Nintendo, who are awesome and and amazing and stuff, and also this is a parody and also it's free and stuff.
Comics, ideas, Kabutroid, and other custom content owned by KatieLynne Jackson. I'm pretty easygoing, and really don't mind all that much if you make content based on my content and stuff. Just don't go impersonating me and we're cool.