Get rid of it!

Just... make it go away!


A few things! We have finally, *finally* made progress on the Deck of Many Things box, a project sitting since 2021! I have obtained wood veneer, I have gotten wood glue in England, I have gotten a lock hasp, crystal gemstones, and progress has continued! I'm having some issues presently with the veneer rippling after being glued to the cloth, but I have enough for like... 4 layers of veneer if I need, so we're gonna be sanding that (just one side presently glued, I'll post even more updates once I figure out the veneer aspect), putting on a second layer, and seeing how much it takes before this thing looks right. And then the hinge and gemstones and all that sort. So good stuff, we've got progress!

Our 3 kobolds in a trenchcoat is now varnished after painting, so that's fully complete!

We've also made progress on our Kabutroid figurine, now out of packing and being worked on again! The odd polygonal arms and legs have been rounded to match the head and back, and the weirdly thin biceps on the figure have been bulked out to match the sprite, and we now wait for glue to dry before progressing that to final sanding and painting.

And that's about it for the moment. Time spent picking things up, glue drying, errands, or generally just catching up on sleep. Mainly glue drying though. Lots of glue drying. Read that deck of many things box page for details, but we had a scare with ripply veneer, and I generally sat it aside for a day out of frustration, after which the ripples *mostly* went away, so I tried sanding it flat after that, which was ALSO a bust, and so we are now attempting to glue a sheet of somewhat rigid plastic to the box (extra cover sheets from my bookbindings), and should that remove the ripples, we will try gluing the veneer to THAT, and see what happens. So lots of glue drying time lol.


Oh... oh god... it made... noise!
I know... that's arguably worse than it looks.
Jettison it!!
I don't care just get rid of it!!!
Moments later
I did it... it's done.
Where did you send it?
I don't know, some Chozo colony or something.
Why the Chozo?
The button was closer, I don't care just get rid of it!

Most sprites are property of Nintendo, who are awesome and and amazing and stuff, and also this is a parody and also it's always ever been free.
Comics, ideas, Kabutroid, and other custom content owned by KatieLynne Jackson. I'm pretty easygoing, and really don't mind all that much if you make content based on my content and stuff. Just don't go impersonating me and we're cool.