Overcoming obstacles

Solving them logistical problems.

Yah, one of those bottom disks under MB retracts, we've had that issue before.


Keeping busy these days, although I still haven't received my paints to be able to continue the Kabutroid figurine and dice tower any further. So in the meantime, we've finished carving and smoothing out the Teeth of Dahlver-Nar as well as priming them for paint (!!!:{!!!), and are going to pivot over to sewing while we wait. With the size of the teeth in quantity confirmed, I can now figure out the size of the pouch for them, as well as go back to working on the merchant bag in the meantime.

Not a whole lot art-wise in the past week, I went to a Pride Festival (more pics and a story in the Kabucam gallery) on Saturday which was really awesome, hung out with Abby's sister and friend there, generally enjoyed the music and festivities, and then slept like a brick from a full day of being outside walking around and the ol' introvert in me being around thousands of people lol. Good times in general ^_^


So wait... what if we come across another door like getting into this room again?
Like 30 minutes earlier
*thump* *thump*
Now pull!!!
We hope that we have a ton of time to work with. Now, keep typing!!!

Most sprites are property of Nintendo, who are awesome and and amazing and stuff, and also this is a parody and also it's always ever been free.
Comics, ideas, Kabutroid, and other custom content owned by KatieLynne Jackson. I'm pretty easygoing, and really don't mind all that much if you make content based on my content and stuff. Just don't go impersonating me and we're cool.