The book that started it all. Back around 2015, we started playing L5R in an epic campaign that lasted over 4 years and saw us reaching rank 6 (which is ludicrously high up there). It was wonderful, it was glorious, and I got the guide book (4e at the time). I also later picked up Way of the Crab to commemorate my favourite clan, scroll down a bit for that one ^_^

A book forever in my heart, but unfortunately lost to time through the various moves in life (also the BESM source book). The Sailor Moon RPG, my first DM experience, and a hilarious foray into the world of Sailor Moon. Click that link for hilarious stories and memories that could only have been thought up by college friends lol.

The first box, the classic starter set. Picked up at the same time Tome of Magic and Epic Level Handbook (see next photo). This was my first step (past the Sailor Moon RPG) towards becoming a more settled DM. Also technically my first D&D rules book, since the first core rulebooks I actually got were the 2024 set (see below as well)

An incredible set of books in my quest to obtain at least one book from every version of D&D (see bookbinding page), I found these at GameKnight Games along with the starter set, and I HAD to have them. As stated, the Tome of Magic, that's 2e, that's my Treasure of Tarmin baby (technically)! So that had to be picked up, Epic levels! OH YEAH that's going in the ol' handbasket! And the Manual of the Planes came a bit later with an online purchase, but kinda fits in with the epic level book and belongs with this photo.

My first digital book, purchased ENTIRELY because I wanted the ability to make a Thri-Kreen on there. I mean camman, I'm Kabutroid, if that's not some bizarre, giant insectile creature, I don't know what is :D

The box sets (after the starter set)! First was obtained the Deck of Many Things box, because well... all this lol, I had to get the Deck of Many More Things, I HAD to. And so I did :D . Also Planescape, because my own campaign involves plane jumping, and the idea of going through the outer planes (see above) or Sigil (see here), or Spelljamming (also above) as options were all amazing, so I wanted to have information on all of these methods. See also Quests from the Infinite Staircase below, gotta cover ALL the options! Don't worry, the Plane of Mirrors is covered in the Manual of the Planes, and evidently in Infinite Staircase as well.

The PDF files, THANK YOU Drive Thru RPG! In my quest to get a book of each version, and just further collecting as a whole, I bought and printed the PDF files for a whole ton of books and adventures, gave them all clear plastic covers (for honesty, only the first and last pages are in colour, the rest are black and white), and bound them all with twine, string, or ribbon. Epic :D. Also if you notice, NASA put out their own RPG, The Lost Universe! So we had to print that :D

The magasines! Or magasines and magasine-style books, The Harrowing, a module, fits into the same book style as the others here. Ahhh, The Harrowing, I had to get it because of my love of the Harrow Deck of Many Things, and found that online. The Dragon magasine for its Tarot of Many Things, and Adventurer because FIRST ISSUE, WOOH! Also it came with dice :D

The extras! We picked up the DM screen for Storm King's Thunder, mainly just because it was for sale and I needed a DM screen, and the making of the original Dungeons & Dragons, just because ^_^

It was offered in a Facebook L5R group, I'm a tried and true Crab player, I had to have it. Way of the Crab, a 1e supplement to Legend of the 5 Rings. I love the Crab, I began as a Hiruma scout named Kabu, followed by a Kaiu engineer named Kuraido. Even with having played other clans, my heart has always been with the Crab ❤️

Thank you once again Drive Thru RPG, I sought these two books out in my research and subsequent hunt for the 4e Decks of Many Things, Paragon level and Heroic level forms. And thus, the Decks of Many Things were obtained, and I was happy ^_^

At long last, we have caught up to the present creation of this page. Everything prior to this is in a kinda mish-mash way, vaguely in the order that I bought them. And now we find ourselves at the 2024 Player's Handbook, which although not particularly visible in this picture, has been tabbed and ribbon bookmarked for ease of use, and has been thoroughly read from front to back to get a good, solid understanding of the player options for when I begin DMing a campaign (my own or a prewritten one, probably up to player choice). Also my first core rulebook past the Starter Set above, WOOOH!

And of course, following the Player's Handbook comes the Dungeon Master's Guide (also tabbed and bookmarked) and DM screen, because if any of them will have the most useful information, it'll be the official one that comes with the DM guide. I will of course be DMing games in the vaguely near future (current renting solutions and work schedules do not make this easy), and thus I will be reading this over thoroughly as well.

Our next book, somewhat unexpected, is Journeys through the Radiant Citadel, alternate cover, because that was like... half the price for some reason on Amazon, because this book was released back in 2022. But the Dungeon Master's Guide mentioned this book, of this citadel which floats in the Ethereal Plane, and... apparently has *journeys* about it. And since my big thing is planes, like... that's my area of interest, it's the most awesome, and here's this place that's on another plane and involves journeys here and around? It wasn't that expensive, I had to pick it up, there is EVERY odd that it involves adventures about traveling to other planes, and I want that in my collection. And so it was added, and will be thoroughly perused. Also I like reading one-shot adventures.

Oh you knew Quests from the Infinite Staircase was coming too, as a Christmas gift from my wife Abby ❤️
The (presently) final book related to plane-jumping (aside from older editions) to go in the collection, and one that I've always been curious about. For a while I had debated whether to buy the 2nd edition Tales from the Infinite Staircase, but passed on it for the time, and eventually discovered that it was being re-released for 5th edition (with different adventures, but the lore of the staircase itself is the more important part to me). And so, I am happy to have this wonderful text in my collection at last, THANK YOU ABBY!!!

The Monster Manual, the final of the three core rulebooks! Finally in my possession, it has of course already been tabbed and bookmarked, a much easier task this time since there was only the usage instructions, the alphabet, and the monster sort lists. I had some extra space at the second line of tabs, so I added one more tab just on the blank final page that says how do you want to do this, Matt Mercer's (insta) famous line, which seems kinda fitting since it's at the end of the monster manual. My first set of core rulebooks (unless you count the Sailor Moon RPG), and it's awesome to finally have them. I don't expect to fully read the stats of all creatures in here, but I will be reading the general details for them all, to get a solid knowledge of the core monsters available to throw at my players :D