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---Highlights reel---

-The Beginnings-
Strip 1: The beginning
Strip 2: The beginning... of Kraid
-The Hunt for Mother Brain-
Strip 3: The alliance
Strip 4: Oops...
Strip 5: Then why's he smiling?
Strip 6: The Creator
Strip 7: It's not that fast
Strip 8: T1000?
Strip 9: Metroids are jerks
Strip 10: Let's gang up on Kabutroid
Strip 11: Draygon's part-time job
Strip 12: He's not a smart... thing
Strip 13: I really would
Strip 14: A jack and coke eases the pain
Strip 15: Time to get Kraid drunk
Strip 16: Their second battle
Strip 17: The planet's name revealed at last
Strip 18: INCOMING!
Strip 19: Run you fool!
Strip 20: Behind door number 1... door number 2!
Strip 21: No holding power
Strip 23: Metroids ARE jerks
Strip 24: ...doh
-Kraid's Childhood-
Strip 25: Ahh, memories
Strip 26: Lean and mean... well, mean anyway
Strip 27: Mutual hatred
Strip 28: Dependant on zeebetites
-Alcohol-Fueled Mayhem-
Strip 29: The hunt for missiles
Strip 30: I found it funny...
Strip 31: Surrounded
Strip 32: Samus' worst nightmare
Strip 33: You have a sick mind
Strip 34: Kraid gets shut down yet again
Strip 35: ... but the memory remains
Strip 36: Bad timing, Ridley...
Strip 37: Kraid gets a hobby
-The Quest For Missiles-
Strip 38: The quest renewed
Strip 39: Kabutroid actually does some work
Strip 40: One plothole closed
Strip 41: There goes another plothole... sort of
Strip 42: It's technically still a powerup
Strip 43: Damn compiler
Strip 44: Defenseless
Strip 45: Damnit...
Strip 46: Upper body strength rocks
Strip 47: Well, it's a temporary solution
Strip 48: Damnit... again
Strip 49: Mmmm... appetizing
Strip 50: Meditation
-Samus' Inner Mind-
Strip 51: Samus' inner mind is a bitch
Strip 52: Then what'd she find?
Strip 53: Way to pay attention Samus
Strip 54: They're a fighter... not a thinker
Strip 55: Trouble brewing
Strip 56: Kraid's never-ending question
Strip 57: Samus' life story... summarized
Strip 58: Kraid gets an idea
Strip 59: Use your imagination
Strip 59.5: Where was YOUR mind today?
Strip 60: Something wrong with this picture
Strip 61: Always thinking of others
Strip 62: Impatient enemies
Strip 63: The much-awaited powers
Strip 64: Such a polite Geruta
Strip 65: Let the torture begin!
Strip 66: The hunt continues... again
Strip 67: Mental torture...
Strip 68: ... and physical torture
Strip 69: Friction sucks
Strip 70: Time for a diet
Strip 71: Pain begets anger
Strip 72: Prolonging the agony
-Geruta's Oddysey-
Strip 73: Geruta takes leave
Strip 74: The tale of Geruta
Strip 75: Friends help friends die
Strip 76: Where's Ridley when you need him?
Strip 77: It's a long shaft... what?
Strip 78: Damn exoskeleton
Strip 79: The end draws neigh
Strip 80: Geruta's worst fear realized
-The Return Of Samus-
Strip 81: Kraid ALWAYS has a solution
Strip 82: Missile count
Strip 83: Samus likes her missiles
Strip 84: An unexpected(?) snag
Strip 85: Kabutroid re-addicted herself to the game
Strip 86: Confusion (thanks Metroidman)
Strip 87: More of Kraid's past
-Kraid's Early Childhood-
Strip 88: The VERY beginnings
Strip 89: Kraid's first memory
Strip 90: Not quite separated from the family
Strip 91: The plot sickens
Strip 92: The end of Kraid's story
Strip 93: Samus' childhood
Strip 94: Another plot twist?
-Back On Track-
Strip 95: Crossing the lava
Strip 96: A familiar path
Strip 97: Violence fetish
Strip 98: Even the psychotic get tired
Strip 99: Do you see what I see?
Strip 100: Look familiar?
Strip 101: The count begins anew
Strip 102: Kraid needs practice
Strip 103: Kraid takes the lead
Strip 104: At long last
Strip 105: Kraid's inadequacies
Strip 106: A valiant effort
Strip 107: The first big item on Zebeth
Strip 108: Samus gets discouraged
Strip 109: She's REALLY discouraged
Strip 110: Samus loses it
Strip 111: Geruta revenge attempt 1
Strip 112: Another alliance
-Something Different-
Strip 113: Voices
Strip 114: The living statue
Strip 115: The Crocomire Hunter
Strip 116: A short explanation
Strip 117: Metroids are jerks v.2
Strip 118: The typical plan
Strip 119: The bloodlust ends
Strip 120: The Crocomire Hunter's weakness
Strip 121: Priorities
Strip 122: The follower
Strip 123: Willpower
Strip 124: Oblivious
-When Suddenly It Changes-
Strip 125: Keeping it cool
Strip 126: Samus wants attention
Strip 127: Frustration
Strip 128: I'm a prick
Strip 129: Salt in the wounds
Strip 130: Samus hides her feelings well
Strip 131: A brief explanation
Strip 132: Intervention
Strip 133: I think we know what's coming...
Strip 134: A liiittle more suspense
Strip 135: Oh COME ON already
-Violently It Changes-
Strip 136: The great escape
Strip 137: Kind AND gentle
Strip 138: The glass wall
Strip 139: It all makes sense now
Strip 140: She's no Metroid Queen
Strip 141: Disgruntled coworkers
Strip 142: Reasoning
Strip 143: Kraid speaks Metroid?
Strip 144: Self-defense
Strip 145: Creator intervention
Strip 146: Speedy the plot device
Strip 147: The results of overmedication
Strip 148: It WAS worth the shot...
Strip 149: A change of mind
Strip 150: Samus' secret
Strip 151: Realization sets in
Strip 152: Catching up
Strip 153: Forgotten
Strip 154: Speedy strikes again
Strip 155: Immobile
Strip 156: Decisions, decisions
Strip 157: Oblivious
Strip 158: Alone with your thoughts
Strip 159: Renovations
Strip 160: And then there was one
Strip 161: Lack of power suit
Strip 162: Damn union members
Strip 163: My saviour
Strip 164: Boredom
Strip 165: Foolish games
Strip 166: Another chance ruined
Strip 167: What about me?
Strip 168: Saving face
Strip 169: Testing
Strip 170: The test fails
Strip 171: Revenge
Strip 172: Prolong the humour
Strip 173: Now on sale...
Strip 174: Way to pay attention
Strip 175: Great leader Kraid
Strip 176: Murphy's law
Strip 177: From bad to painful
Strip 178: Plan number one
Strip 179: At least...
Strip 180: The switchback
Strip 181: Back to priorities
Strip 182: Saved by the Croc
Strip 183: Testing
Strip 184: Croc's test completed
Strip 185: Deserted
Strip 186: An old friend
Strip 187: Building intrigue
-Deep-Fried Goodness-
Strip 188: Take two
Strip 189: Take 3, 4, and 5
Strip 190: Descriptions
Strip 191: Psy the plot device
Strip 192: Denial
Strip 193: Feeling pity
Strip 194: There is no sp... uhh... bill
Strip 195: The eternal question
Strip 196: The many uses of the stick
Strip 197: More problems
Strip 198: Everybody wants some
Strip 199: Prolong the agony
Strip 200: Enter the forest
Strip 201: Got Wood?
Strip 202: Plothole closure
Strip 203: Backup plans
Strip 204: Connectivity issues
Strip 205: Retry
Strip 206: Let there be poplar-bush!
Strip 207: The location
Strip 208: Damn mumbling
Strip 209: More plothole closing
Strip 210: The new game
Strip 211: Not the quietest bunch
Strip 212: 1337 skillz
Strip 213: Saying too much
Strip 214: Fatal error
Strip 215: Rebooting
Strip 216: FUBAR
Strip 217: Retribution
Strip 218: Analysis
Strip 219: Old "friends" Strip 219: Old "friends"
Strip 220: Zero tolerance
-The Gift Of Madness-
Strip 221: Inside knowledge
Strip 222: Overzealous
Strip 223: Liiiiiiive!
Strip 224: Metroidy aftertaste
Strip 225: Testing the water
Strip 226: Alliance v.2
Strip 227: Alliance v... wait, never mind
Strip 228: Instant diet
Strip 229: Attempt 1: Blitz
Strip 230: Minions unite
Strip 231: Attempt 2: Deception
Strip 232: Regrouping
Strip 233: Fatal mistake
Strip 234: Force of habit
Strip 235: Precautionary measures
Strip 236: So close...
Strip 237: Stubborn
Strip 238: Losted
Strip 239: Everybody wins
Strip 240: Fast food
Strip 241: Founded
Strip 242: False alarm
Strip 243: Not the brightest Geruta
Strip 244: Something's missing...
Strip 245: Under new management
Strip 246: Realization sets in
Strip 247: Backblast hurts
Strip 248: Ponderance
Strip 249: The trouble with tardiness
Strip 250: Like watching a train-wreck
Strip 251: Back to vengeance
Strip 252: Is that boxy I see?
Strip 253: Luck be a lady tonight
Strip 254: Several minutes
Strip 255: Just because
Strip 256: A female Johnny?
Strip 257: A wrong turn
Strip 258: Last ditch effort
Strip 259: Standing strong
Strip 260: Asking questions... almost
Strip 261: Defensive tactics
-Wanton Destruction-
Strip 262: Looking for answers
Strip 263: Last ditch effort
Strip 264: The second law
Strip 265: Neglected enemies
Strip 266: Harmonizing
Strip 267:
Strip 268: *sigh*
Strip 269: Time killing
Strip 270: Disgustipating
Strip 271: Excuses, excuses
Strip 272: More to Geruta's plot
Strip 273: Migration of the booze
Strip 274: Problem solving skills
Strip 275: Mystical forces
Strip 276: Didn't see it
Strip 277: The morbidly obese
Strip 278: A near miss
Strip 279: The problems with delays
Strip 280: Idiocy deserves no mercy
Strip 281: Don't fear the reaper
-The End Draws Nigh-
Strip 282: The angel of death
Strip 283: Countdown sequence initiated
Strip 284: Timer hypothesis #1
Strip 285: Timer hypothesis #2
Strip 286: Complete disregard for the timer
Strip 287: Indecision
Strip 288: Speedy the Metroid herder
Strip 289: High hopes
Strip 290: Stealing kills
Strip 291: Feelin' fine
Strip 292: The revelation
Strip 293: Shipless
Strip 294: Smiles and sunshine
Strip 295: The end of time
Strip 296: The end cometh
-A Bug In The System-
Strip 297: Up up and away
Strip 298: Bzorp
Strip 299: Second thoughts
Strip 300: Yet another attempt
Strip 301: Sidetracked
Strip 302: A fatal mistake
Strip 303: Pleading ignorance
Strip 304: Cause and effect
Strip 305: Crocomire Hunter's pet
Strip 306: Gronky, no!
Strip 307: And then there was one
Strip 308: Deep in the mind
Strip 309: Taking bets
Strip 310: They're special
Strip 311: The sound of FTP
Strip 312: Stalling the storyline
Strip 313: More stalling
Strip 314: The inner-inner mind (thanks Feyerbrand)
Strip 315: Re-emergence
Strip 316: Fly away home
Strip 317: Unpleasant sounds
Strip 318: ZR388
Strip 319: Rebuilding and reorganizing
Strip 320: Divide and conquer
Strip 321: The Karate Ridley?
Strip 322: Squishy-looking seat thing
Strip 323: Return of the jerks
Strip 324: Levels of hatred
Strip 325: Immediate action
Strip 326: Goodbye deep-fryer
Strip 327: Reasons for inflation
Strip 328: Precautionary measures
Strip 329: 3-second rule
Strip 330: They never learn
Strip 331: The expression on his face
Strip 332: More plothole closure
Strip 333: A new playpen
Strip 334: Petty retaliation
Strip 335: Something to fear
Strip 336: Eau de Metroid
Strip 337: Little help?
Strip 338: Imminent meetings
Strip 339: Stop, drop, and roll
Strip 340: Destroy the turncoat!
Strip 341: A little too talkative
Strip 342: Assumptions
Strip 343: Cold enough for ya?
Strip 344: This looks familiar
Strip 345: A little stressed
Strip 346: Making due
Strip 347: Under pressure
Strip 348: Stability issues
Strip 349: New ideas...
Strip 350: Not enough preparation time
Strip 351: Contingency plans
Strip 352: Frozen brick shrapnel
Strip 354: Saying too much
Strip 355: Earthquakes aplenty
Strip 356: The rest of the crew
Strip 357: Oblivious
Strip 358: Respawn stipulations
Strip 359: Fun and games
Strip 360: On the road again
Strip 361: Chozuglification
Strip 362: When wrath fails
Strip 363: Round two... DING!
Strip 364: And Chozo enemy takes the lead
Strip 365: Stubborn (thanks Cucciolopeloso)
Strip 366: Massive blastage
Strip 367: Samus' new game
Strip 368: The many joys
Strip 369: Getting somewhere
Strip 370: Ride 'em Croc-boy
Strip 371: Thank you Spider-crawl
Strip 372: Like a rat
Strip 373: Enter the Gamma
Strip 374: When attacks fail
Strip 375: A startled Kraid is a dangerous Kraid
Strip 376: Answering to the voices
Strip 377: We need more grip!
Strip 378: False alarm
Strip 379: Forms of entertainment
Strip 380: All yours
Strip 381: When retreats go bad
Strip 382: Selective hearing
Strip 383: Bully rivalries
Strip 384: Zeta go splortch
Strip 385: The wonderous sounds
Strip 386: Paranoid losses
Strip 387: Where's the challenge?
Strip 388: Little Joey
-Vacation Or Bust-
Strip 389: The retelling of vacation
Strip 390: Calgary or bust
Strip 391: STUFF!
Strip 392: Fun with speed
Strip 393: The big blue
Strip 394: America's ass
-ZR388 Revisited-
Strip 395: Unpaused or not
Strip 396: Character building
Strip 397: Beware the claws
Strip 398: Melee AND ranged fighter
Strip 399: Overfilled
Strip 400: Souvenirs
Strip 401: Metroid memorabilia merriment
Strip 402: Irrelevant
Strip 403: Misjudgement on Samus' part
Strip 404: Error of judgement and otherwise
Strip 405: Nightmare of nightmares
Strip 406: The chase continues
Strip 407: Visibly invisible
Strip 408: Colossal caverns
Strip 409: <insert whip sound here>
Strip 410: Top notch guarding
Strip 411: Spikes all around
Strip 412: In spirits in spirit
Strip 413: A simple request
Strip 414: I demand a recount!
Strip 416: The great Metroid stampede
Strip 417: Metroid physics
Strip 418: Definition of trust
Strip 419: Near heart-attacks
Strip 420: Leap of faith
Strip 421: Forgetting something?
Strip 422: Unanswered stalling
Strip 423: Call of the beast
Strip 424: FREEDOOOOO... wait, damn...
Strip 425: "Tag" X-treme
Strip 426: Scaredy-troid
Strip 427: Nappy time
Strip 428: Progenodorous
Strip 429: The rest of the story
Strip 430: Saying too much
Strip 431: Itchy trigger finger
Strip 432: Had it comin'
Strip 433: Moral dilemma
Strip 434: Temporary saviour
Strip 435: The power of the purr
Strip 436: True love
Strip 437: Metroids are jerks v.3
Strip 438: Like a big monkey
Strip 439: Anger begets anger
Strip 440: Solidified X virus
Strip 441: Wall-crawler extraordinaire
Strip 442: No Zeela for you!
Strip 443: Breaking the fall
Strip 444: Back to normal
Strip 445: Sweet dreams
Strip 446: Stupid McInsult's imminent demise
Strip 447: Still cogitating
Strip 448: CLLAW_FTP IV
Strip 449: Fatal system error
Strip 450: Early boredom
Strip 451: Terminal boredom
Strip 452: The final transfer
Strip 453: Familiar places
Strip 454: Not quite Kraid
Strip 455: Pissed off glitches
Strip 456: Saved by the blip
Strip 457: Pleasurable thoughts
Strip 458: Memories
Strip 459: Poor sports and bad luck
Strip 460: Use your imagination
Strip 461: Changing up
Strip 462: Taking bets
Strip 463: Return of the King
Strip 464: A kinda change
Strip 465: ZORT
Strip 466: The monkey-butler!
Strip 467: Obvious questions
Strip 468: Untouched surroundings
Strip 469: Business is lacking
Strip 470: Formatted
Strip 471: Virtually friendless
Strip 472: Homeward bound
Strip 473: Eh, screw it
Strip 474: Unforseen guests
Strip 475: Thoroughly corrected
Strip 476: FREE DRINK!
Strip 477: No man, no!
Strip 478: The new bouncer
Strip 479: Do you have the bricks?
Strip 480: Heeding the call
-The Inevitable Return-
Strip 481: Irrelevant details
Strip 482: Overlords don't help
Strip 483: Deep-down flavour
Strip 484: You all knew it was coming
Strip 485: Hal's Discount Signs N' Stuff
Strip 486: Proud to be an ass
Strip 487: Get to the damn point!
Strip 488: Flashback theft
Strip 489: Under-jar slidey goo
Strip 490: Epic tale of mass proportions
Strip 491: Feelin' fine
Strip 492: What's up?
Strip 493: Rise, riiiiiise!
Strip 494: Diabolical creation v.1
Strip 495: Diabolical creation v.2
Strip 496: Diabolical creation v.3
Strip 497: First contact
Strip 498: Problem solved
Strip 499: Set in her ways
Strip 500: Still just a minion
Strip 501: Stupidity test
Strip 502: Targets acquired
Strip 503: Objective complete
Strip 504: Easily amused
Strip 505: Display of intelligence
Strip 506: Enter the operating system
Strip 507: The ultimate test
Strip 508: Less helpful abilities
Strip 509: Retaliation
Strip 510: Hot missile-on-missile action
Strip 511: Overcome
Strip 512: Last resort
Strip 513: Ultrakill mode activated
Strip 514: Flagrant system error
Strip 515: Not gonna make it
Strip 516: Wakeup call
Strip 517: Bottom floor
Strip 518: Hallucinations
-The Frozen North, Eh?-
Strip 519: White puffy stuff
Strip 520: He's gotta learn eventually
Strip 521: Snow Samii
Strip 522: Cabin-fever
Strip 523: Hiding out
Strip 524: Why wrangling isn't done in public
Strip 525: Gronky revealed
Strip 526: Kraid's new fear
Strip 527: Lack of intervention
Strip 528: It's been a while
Strip 529: Impartial herding
Strip 530: Bad time for sightseeing
Strip 531: Not again
Strip 532: Language barriers
Strip 533: Still doing his job
Strip 534: Safety in numbers
Strip 535: Near-Metrocide
-Vacation Or Bust II-
Strip 536: Vacation or bust II
Strip 537: A driving rain... get it?
Strip 538: Prepared for theft
Strip 539: Voluptuous
Strip 540: Let the driving continue
Strip 541: You're a poké-freak when...
Strip 542: Conclusion
-Winter Wonderland-
Strip 543: The need to feed
Strip 544: Tired of complaints
Strip 545: A woman scorned
Strip 546: Coveted goods
Strip 547: Unwanted guests
Strip 548: Cold Metroid death
Strip 549: Partial autophobia
Strip 550: Forgotten secrets
Strip 551: Sudden realizations
Strip 552: Plausible deniability
Strip 553: Grief of loss
Strip 554: Go git 'im
Strip 555: Ocular difficulties
Strip 556: Telling it like it is
Strip 557: Dangerous tests
Strip 558: Women problems
Strip 559: Samantha!
Strip 560: A great loss
Strip 561: Abomination!
Strip 562: Ruined jokes
Strip 563: Priorities 2
Strip 564: Security systems
Strip 565: Sneaky, tricksy Ridleyses
Strip 566: Almost too easy
Strip 567: Random notes
Strip 568: The better offer
Strip 569: A better plan
Strip 570: Falling on deaf ears
Strip 571: Reasons to leave
Strip 572: Drifts of fury
Strip 573: Poor baby
Strip 574: Know-it-all
Strip 575: When plans fail
Strip 576: No silver lining
Strip 577: Just not working
Strip 578: Sweetening the deal
Strip 579: Paranoid delusions
Strip 580: Automatic response
Strip 581: Things to get
Strip 582: No privacy
Strip 583: Can it really be???
Strip 584: A beautiful day
Strip 585: Feigning sarcasm
Strip 586: Naked testing
Strip 587: I hacked it apart
Strip 588: 17th century humour
Strip 589: Forgotten problems
Strip 590: Why minions are minions
Strip 591: Incoming hordes
Strip 592: On the spot pricing
Strip 593: Revelations
Strip 594: Lessons not learned
Strip 595: On the other hand...
Strip 596: Disgusting tasks
Strip 597: Instant wake-up call
Strip 598: If you don't cooperate...
Strip 599: Interruptions
Strip 600: Alternate choices
Strip 601: Taking bets
Strip 602: First prize
Strip 603: Prepare for battle!
Strip 604: Outside the box
Strip 605: Tabasco stomach-buster
Strip 606: Potential damage
Strip 607: We meet again
Strip 608: The silent tail
Strip 609: Troubled waters
Strip 610: Time for plan B
Strip 611: Tobasco and water don't mix
Strip 612: Wrong place, wrong time
Strip 613: Distracted by food
Strip 614: Gotta love that sound
Strip 615: Menial jobs
Strip 616: Shoulda taken the job
Strip 617: More food!
Strip 618: Similar thinking
Strip 619: Screams of frustration
Strip 620: Slow progression
Strip 621: Turn of events
Strip 622: It sinks in
Strip 623: No longer nameless
Strip 624: There can never be enough
Strip 625: Score one for Geruta
-The Aftermath Of Loss-
Strip 626: A slim chance
Strip 627: Cause and effect
Strip 628: Not taking things well
Strip 629: Long-necked help
Strip 630: Minionsploitation
Strip 631: Drinks getting drinkeder
Strip 632: He just never learns
Strip 633: Still learning
Strip 634: Bitch, whine, complain
Strip 635: I always could
Strip 636: The powers that be
Strip 637: Better late than never
Strip 638: Dishpan wings
Strip 639: Vacation or bust 3.1.1
Strip 640: Vacation or bust 3.1.2
Strip 641: More is better
Strip 642: Painful memories
Strip 643: Offer not accepted
Strip 644: Mental disturbances
Strip 645: Not quite feeling better
Strip 646: Killing the dead
Strip 647: A new situation
Strip 648: The noble minibosses
Strip 649: A quick detour
Strip 650: Something's different...
Strip 651: Horking up attention
Strip 652: Fat-assed interruptions
Strip 653: Reflections
Strip 654: Finding Samus
Strip 655: Current score
Strip 656: Back to the suit
Strip 657: Family emergency
Strip 658: Emergency filler 1
Strip 659: Emergency filler 2
Strip 660: Emergency filler 3
Strip 661: Emergency filler 4
Strip 662: Half-open doors
Strip 663: So very screwed
Strip 664: Solutions found
Strip 665: Denied
Strip 666: Embodiment of evil
Strip 667: Dangerous areas
Strip 668: More fun ahead
Strip 669: Suitless strength
Strip 670: Brobdingnagian
Strip 671: One step at a time
Strip 672: Lack of planning
Strip 673: A lesson relearned
Strip 674: And a lesson lost
Strip 675: A helping hand
Strip 676: Ingrates
Strip 677: Saving Raymond
Strip 678: Monstrous losses
-The Trabnagian Tribe-
Strip 679: Different pages
Strip 680: Worse than sunburn
Strip 681: A new best friend
Strip 682: The more, the merrier
Strip 683: Forgetful idiots
Strip 684: Waiting for the host
Strip 685: Forgotten jobs
Strip 686: It just keeps going
Strip 687: Look closer
Strip 688: The Energizer tribe
Strip 689: The trio strike out
Strip 690: A quick nap
Strip 691: Too much noise!
Strip 692: McMacbeth
Strip 693: Farthings and scourpads
Strip 694: Long greetings
Strip 695: A feast fit for kings
Strip 696: The limit is reached
Strip 697: Don't worry, be happy
Strip 698: Reassurances
Strip 699: Useless wishes
Strip 700: Good answer
Strip 701: Not all that great
Strip 702: Slowing down Samus
Strip 703: A new leader is born
-The Bartender's Return-
Strip 704: Killing boredom
Strip 705: Disturbances
Strip 707: Back to bar-attempt 1
Strip 707: Finding the bar
Strip 708: A moment of silence
Strip 709: Ups and downs
Strip 710: Little help?
Strip 711: Running out of time
Strip 712: A path too far
Strip 713: A temporary distraction
Strip 714: Just a little careful
Strip 715: Noone can be TRULY ready
Strip 716: Might have heard it
Strip 717: No sympathy
Strip 718: A super Nova
Strip 719: Getting better
Strip 720: The path to freedom
Strip 721: I like rides
Strip 722: Moving along
Strip 723: Wrong place, wrong time
Strip 724: False hope
Strip 725: Worth a shot
Strip 726: More in hiding
Strip 727: Nothing new
Strip 728: Damned either way
Strip 729: Up and away!
Strip 730: A little bit of luck
Strip 731: Climbing to success
Strip 732: We'll just follow them
Strip 733: News flash!
Strip 734: More urgent news
Strip 735: That annoying frog... thing
Strip 736: HOLY CRA... oh wait
Strip 737: Totally knot
Strip 738: Segued!
Strip 739: The deep unknown
Strip 740: If only Kraid heard that
Strip 741: Minor problems
Strip 742: Anger management needed
Strip 743: Join today!
Strip 744: S'alright
Strip 745: Back in business
Strip 746: Gettin' back in the mood
Strip 747: Something weird going on
Strip 748: Underwhelming
Strip 749: Rash decisions
Strip 750: Hatred for everyone!
Strip 751: Decidedly better
Strip 752: Hidden paths
Strip 753: Profanities
Strip 754: Friggin' dead ends
Strip 755: Take a hint
Strip 756: Safe landing
Strip 757: A long drop
Strip 758: More fun
Strip 759: Can't get enough
Strip 760: A gentle landing
Strip 761: Suddenly silent
Strip 762: A horse of a different colour
Strip 763: Being a burden
Strip 764: Attention whores
-Back To Normal(?)-
Strip 765: Back at the bar
Strip 766: The real Kraid
Strip 767: Smellin' of Kraid
Strip 768: Back to the beginning
Strip 769: Blackmail
Strip 770: Descriptive descriptions
Strip 771: Voices
Strip 772: No killing!
Strip 773: A rare delicacy
Strip 774: A friendly goodbye
Strip 775: CLLAW_FTP IV 2
Strip 776: Vacation time
Strip 777: Patience
Strip 778: Totally not plothole-filling
Strip 779: Re-poof
Strip 780: Doing unto others
Strip 781: Words were spoken
Strip 782: Incoming bitching
Strip 783: Just stating things
Strip 784: Sproingy relaxation
Strip 785: Iffy at best
Strip 786: Eh
Strip 787: Evidence needed
Strip 788: The planet is saved!
Strip 789: Goodbye bait
Strip 790: Samus the masseuse
Strip 791: Damn hindsight
Strip 792: Cubular thoughts
Strip 793: Memories
Strip 794: Patience by pog
Strip 795: Pwnership
Strip 796: Destructable blocks
Strip 797: A temporary reprieve
Strip 798: Funky surprises
Strip 799: Near misses
Strip 800: The ONLY way
Strip 801: What indeed
Strip 802: Check it out!
Strip 803: Just concentrate
Strip 804: A happy Kraid
Strip 805: Twice the fun
Strip 806: It wasn't meant to be
Strip 807: Better than missiles
Strip 808: Good times
Strip 809: Blame the cheapass
Strip 810: Places to be
Strip 811: A bad place to talk
Strip 812: A little too drunk
Strip 813: Taking the long route
Strip 814: Slake your thirst
Strip 815: Forgotten omnipotence
Strip 816: Yet another loss
Strip 817: Getting in the way, part 1
Strip 818: Getting in the way, part 2
Strip 819: Getting in the way, part 3
Strip 820: Getting in the way, part 4
Strip 821: Back to normal... almost
Strip 822: Everyone loves Gronky!
Strip 823: Improved slide
Strip 824: A bit of punishment
Strip 825: Catfight!
Strip 826: It's on
Strip 827: One track mind
Strip 828: A dream come true
Strip 829: Oh right... those
Strip 830: Evasive action
Strip 831: Necessary sacrifices
Strip 832: Impending doom
Strip 833: Battle for ownership
Strip 834: Don't blink
Strip 835: Out of miracles
-E Duos, Unum-
Strip 836: Kinda busy at the moment
Strip 837: Absolutely nothing
Strip 838: Nothing to see here
Strip 839: A beautiful day for a walk
Strip 840: Keeping a clear mind
Strip 841: To the victor goes nothing
Strip 842: In search of booze
Strip 843: Won't be a problem
Strip 844: A mouthful of Samus
Strip 845: Long-time listener
Strip 846: A soft spot for booze
Strip 847: Show's over
Strip 848: Worse than a hangover
Strip 849: Making a game of it
Strip 850: Lost on purpose
Strip 851: Distracted
Strip 852: Eternal nightmare
Strip 853: Pogged
Strip 854: Too much information
Strip 855: In search of Samus
Strip 856: The magic word
Strip 857: A minor delay
Strip 858: Great ideas
Strip 859: A walk in the paaaaaaw, yeah
-Nightmare Or Bust III-
Strip 860: Vacation Nightmare Or Bust III
Strip 861: The pleasure of working
Strip 862: Just one more employee?
Strip 863: Geocaching for the win
Strip 864: Cresselia brightens my day
Strip 865: An upgraded pause
Strip 866: Almost over
Strip 867: Money for higher grades
-Looking For Liquor-
Strip 868: Let there be light
Strip 869: Remember this lesson
Strip 870: Long lost friends
Strip 871: A minor mistranslation
Strip 872: Needing a plan
Strip 873: Tumblejerks
Strip 874: For no good reason
Strip 875: Looking for answers
Strip 876: Just not getting it
Strip 877: Priorities
Strip 878: Being on-call sucks
Strip 879: A reward for hard work
Strip 880: A little bit more reward
Strip 881: Sleep is for the weak
Strip 882: Not a good pillow
Strip 883: Good news, bad news
Strip 884: Attempt #2
Strip 885: Unnatural barriers
Strip 886: More timing issues
Strip 887: Almost won
Strip 888: Backup threatening power
Strip 889: Slow and steady
Strip 890: The obvious answer
Strip 891: Killing time
Strip 892: Melia munchies
Strip 893: Boredom kicks in
Strip 894: Last resort
Strip 895: Overreact much?
Strip 896: Distant happiness
Strip 897: Stuff
Strip 898: It never goes away
Strip 899: Wakeup call
Strip 900: Explanations
Strip 901: Nothing compares 2 U
Strip 902: Just one more hill
Strip 903: It's a good sound
Strip 904: A new problem arises
Strip 905: Lacking in P.R. skills
Strip 906: Her generosity knows no bounds
Strip 907: What good is a slide?
Strip 908: The buzz of money
Strip 909: A little too busy
Strip 910: Mind of a businessman
Strip 911: Bored with the old toys
Strip 912: Time for some fun
Strip 913: Digression: part 1
Strip 914: Digression: part 2
Strip 915: Digression: part 3
Strip 916: An awesome conclusion
Strip 917: You are what you eat
Strip 918: Frustracation: part 1
Strip 919: Frustracation: part 2
Strip 920: Frustracation: part 3
Strip 921: Frustracation: part 4
Strip 922: Frustracation: part 5
Strip 923: Minion soup
Strip 924: Jerk-cream
Strip 925: Race to the finish
Strip 926: Time for a lesson
Strip 927: Noone can be THAT cruel
Strip 928: Now THAT'S a taunt
Strip 929: Anything for a profit
Strip 930: A little white lie
Strip 931: Not-so-fond memories
Strip 932: Knowledge is power
Strip 933: More knowledge needed
Strip 934: An acceptable answer
Strip 935: Finding another way
Strip 936: Autosmite
Strip 937: The secret gathering spot
Strip 938: Where indeed
Strip 939: Zirgu Diena?
Strip 940: Not quite undisuputed
Strip 941: It might actually work...
Strip 942: ...But that's debatable
Strip 943: Complete faith in M.B.
Strip 944: Samus' lucky day
Strip 945: Help from above
Strip 946: Crocomire Hunter's new quest
Strip 947: No time for an exorcism
Strip 948: Not all that worried
Strip 949: Gotta give credit where credit is due
Strip 950: Too much enthusiasm
-Acts of Kabutroid-
Strip 951: Just a little childish
Strip 952: Vacation intro part 1
Strip 953: Vacation intro part 2
Strip 954: Vacation intro part 3
Strip 955: Turnip-based shenanigans
Strip 956: Alone with your thoughts
Strip 957: Daemona - 1, Kabutroid - 0
Strip 958: Online gaming at its finest
Strip 959: No love
Strip 960: The new face of evil
Strip 961: A picket for peace
Strip 962: A little bit distracted
Strip 963: How I feel today
Strip 964: I totally do!
Strip 965: Not causing problems at all
Strip 966: Stirring up some shit
Strip 968: A little more stirring
Strip 969: Lack of pog
Strip 970: A spot to ponder
Strip 971: One problem at a time
Strip 972: Somewhere safe
Strip 973: A hard lesson learned
Strip 974: The reality of weddings
Strip 975: The reality of my workplace
Strip 976: I am Christopher Walken
Strip 977: Not doing his job
Strip 978: Out to lunch
Strip 979: Not again
Strip 980: You don't want to know
Strip 981: The price of being useless
Strip 982: Hindsight is always 20/20
Strip 983: Hypothetical occurances
Strip 984: It's a fragile wall
Strip 985: A few highlights
Strip 986: The awesome stranger
Strip 987: A slight mistake
Strip 988: Back to normal
-Usurped II-
Strip 989: Still looking
Strip 990: Schrödinger's rock
Strip 991: Croc's mob
Strip 992: No worries
Strip 993: Drown your sorrows in mayo
Strip 994: Everyone should do it
Strip 995: Slowing things down
Strip 996: An epiphany
Strip 997: The wrengling song
Strip 998: Not quite heartbroken
Strip 999: Probably nothing
-Wrangling A Mother Brain-
Strip 1000: A valient attempt
Strip 1001: Like a woodtick
Strip 1002: I think it's stuck
Strip 1003: To help or not to help
Strip 1004: Just answer the question
Strip 1005: Most boring battle ever
Strip 1006: Distracted
Strip 1007: Coming to conclusions
Strip 1008: Nothing new
Strip 1009: Too delicious
Strip 1010: Hate enough for everyone
Strip 1011: Too much information
Strip 1012: Always more to spare
Strip 1013: Still hoping
Strip 1014: Maybe tomorrow, I'll want to settle down
Strip 1015: The horrors of drinking
Strip 1016: A sudden visual
Strip 1017: No other subjects
Strip 1018: A loophole
Strip 1019: A new friend
-Unscheduled Break For Kabs-
Strip 1020: A little stressed
Strip 1021: Obsessed
Strip 1022: More fun at work
Strip 1023: It's Kabutroid!
Strip 1024: Internet memes
Strip 1025: A terrible mistake
Strip 1026: No collisions yet
Strip 1027: Another exciting day
Strip 1028: Not a good start
-Wrangling: Part 2-
Strip 1029: A splitting headache
Strip 1030: Petty disputes
Strip 1031: Never an easy answer
Strip 1032: Miracles can happen
Strip 1033: Leader of the pack
Strip 1034: The new model
Strip 1035: Random crap
Strip 1036: No million Samii
Strip 1037: Not the best memory
Strip 1038: The friendly leader
Strip 1039: No fourth wall
Strip 1040: Attack the ref at your own risk
Strip 1041: Minor annoyances
Strip 1042: Party time!
Strip 1043: Just being helpful
Strip 1044: Gotta have a hobby
Strip 1045: Slip of the tongue
Strip 1046: What to do...
Strip 1047: A long forgotten item
Strip 1048: Just about there...
Strip 1049: Time for something else
Strip 1050: A mean trick
Strip 1051: Can't find good help
Strip 1052: Died a little
Strip 1053: An alternate path
Strip 1054: Tired and lazy
Strip 1055: Touchdown
Strip 1056: What she said
Strip 1057: A long way from home
Strip 1058: Quick reflexes
Strip 1059: It's been a while
Strip 1060: No trust nowadays
Strip 1061: When in doubt, use brute force
Strip 1062: Not a one-man job
Strip 1063: Polite conversation
Strip 1064: Good enough
Strip 1065: Festively plump
Strip 1066: Needs more planning
Strip 1067: Strong glass
Strip 1068: Almost wrengled
Strip 1069: A minor distraction
Strip 1070: Just kidding
Strip 1071: Drinks and a show
Strip 1072: A bit late
Strip 1073: Wave beam for the win
Strip 1074: Where are they now
Strip 1075: Back to business
Strip 1076: From worse to worst
Strip 1077: Still partying
Strip 1078: Wakey, wakey
Strip 1079: Brunch
Strip 1080: Peace and quiet
Strip 1081: Shoulda heard him out
Strip 1082: Just a little help
Strip 1083: Stop fidgeting
Strip 1084: Time for painkillers
Strip 1085: Determined to see
Strip 1086: Making the job easier
Strip 1087: A fair reward
Strip 1088: Gotta profit somehow
Strip 1089: Been busy
Strip 1090: Cabin fever
Strip 1091: Foiled yet again
Strip 1092: Just can't win
Strip 1093: Had enough
Strip 1094: One track mind
-Simon's Quest-
Strip 1095: Finally got a lead
Strip 1096: A change in scenery
Strip 1097: Getting somewhere
Strip 1098: Only following orders
Strip 1099: They meet at last
Strip 1100: A simple question
Strip 1101: Just a few more
Strip 1102: A helping hand... brain
Strip 1103: So very close
Strip 1104: Better late than never
Strip 1105: Bad time to ridicule
Strip 1106: Up up and away
Strip 1107: Kabs' favourite key
Strip 1108: So close
Strip 1109: Not this time
Strip 1110: At least it worked
Strip 1111: Back to basics
Strip 1112: Slow going
Strip 1113: Damn planet
Strip 1114: Damn computer
Strip 1115: Yay for Linux
Strip 1116: The path continues
Strip 1118: Trying something else
Strip 1119: Comin' through
Strip 1120: Goodbye clear thinking
Strip 1121: Better safe than sorry
Strip 1122: Much to clean
Strip 1123: Always the optimist
Strip 1124: An ultimatum
Strip 1125: Always a good incentive
Strip 1126: She DOES have a point
Strip 1127: A man of his word
Strip 1128: Might be a while
Strip 1129: Unexpected disgust
Strip 1130: Known too well
Strip 1131: Staying put
Strip 1132: Adventure time!
Strip 1133: Couldn't find my pencil
Strip 1134: Something right in the world
Strip 1135: Not adventurous enough
Strip 1136: Still not adventurous enough
Strip 1137: Too good of a story
Strip 1138: Time for some cleanup
Strip 1139: Finally indeed
Strip 1140: Peace and quiet
Strip 1141: Question answered
Strip 1142: Ignorance is bliss
Strip 1143: So close...
Strip 1144: They never learn
Strip 1145: Croc-boy never misses
Strip 1146: Celebrate good times
Strip 1147: Not the fondest memories
Strip 1148: Punishment served
Strip 1149: Not a soft landing
Strip 1150: A sudden glimpse
Strip 1151: Can't be THAT bad
Strip 1152: TMI
Strip 1153: Dark times
Strip 1154: Success!
Strip 1155: What type are you?
Strip 1156: Negotiating skills
Strip 1157: Desperate promises
Strip 1158: Return of the Trabnagian
Strip 1159: Important things first
Strip 1160: Not the best ice-breaker
Strip 1161: A difficult choice
Strip 1162: Valid concerns
Strip 1163: The deciding factor
Strip 1164: The valley of the shadow of death
Strip 1165: Good enough
Strip 1166: A quick recap
Strip 1167: A moment of silence
Strip 1168: Time for another greeting
-Samus' Quest-
Strip 1169: Still not forgiven
Strip 1170: Getting a little creepy
Strip 1171: A little too happy
Strip 1172: An acceptable offer
Strip 1173: Always been there aka: Post-Mexico strip 1
Strip 1174: Girly drinks aka: Post-Mexico strip 2
Strip 1175: A figment of the imagination
Strip 1176: Just trying to help
Strip 1177: He gots memories
Strip 1178: Finally complete
Strip 1179: Old school
Strip 1180: Kraidly intuition
Strip 1181: It was almost a good plan
Strip 1182: Go for the gold
Strip 1183: Compelled
Strip 1184: A bit unexpected
Strip 1185: Nightmare scope
Strip 1186: A cruel taunting
Strip 1187: Never give up
Strip 1188: Totally not holding a grudge
Strip 1189: Disturbing visuals
Strip 1190: A required fix
Strip 1191: Good enough
Strip 1192: Never again
Strip 1193: A quick recap
Strip 1194: An awesome plan
Strip 1195: What the hell just happened
Strip 1196: Not all that smart
Strip 1197: What the hell again?!?
Strip 1198: So close...
Strip 1199: Nature's pockets
Strip 1200: Wrong answer
Strip 1201: A one-sided agreement
Strip 1202: A horrifying concept
Strip 1203: Responsibility sucks
Strip 1204: Enlisting Floaty
Strip 1205: Betrayed
Strip 1206: Remember the important stuff
Strip 1207: He knows the score
Strip 1208: Ground rules
Strip 1209: It's a secret to everybody
Strip 1210: Let's do this thing
Strip 1211: Goodbye green
Strip 1212: Goodbye green v.2
Strip 1213: No respect
Strip 1214: Ouch!
Strip 1215: He had it coming
Strip 1216: Sweet, sweet progress
Strip 1217: A rare opportunity
Strip 1218: A new path
Strip 1219: Getting closer
Strip 1220: A stellar defense
Strip 1221: The plan
Strip 1222: Sounds legit
Strip 1223: About time
Strip 1224: Insolence
Strip 1225: Meet the Ambassador
Strip 1226: The day's looking up
Strip 1227: Still the same
Strip 1228: She knows
Strip 1229: Back to business
Strip 1230: Thwarted
Strip 1231: Oh hey...
Strip 1232: No love lost
Strip 1233: May as well
Strip 1234: What are the odds
Strip 1235: A better route appears
Strip 1236: I found something
Strip 1237: Go big or go home
Strip 1238: A minor setback
Strip 1239: A new sport
Strip 1240: Just to be a jerk
Strip 1241: Know thyself
Strip 1242: Shouldn't have asked
Strip 1243: Found something
Strip 1244: Party crasher
Strip 1245: There's plenty more
Strip 1246: Hated her from the beginning
Strip 1247: Nothing better to do
Strip 1248: Let's go play!
Strip 1249: ...Found it
Strip 1250: Time for some fun
Strip 1251: Workplace abandonment
Strip 1252: Savour the flavour
Strip 1253: Almost dead
Strip 1254: 3, 2, 1
-Corporate Restructuring-
Strip 1255: Pulling through
Strip 1256: Workplace disruptions
Strip 1257: Time for action
Strip 1258: Mission accomplished
Strip 1259: Oh, I didn't mention?
Strip 1260: Only one option
Strip 1261: First things first
Strip 1262: Pretty obvious
Strip 1263: Party time
Strip 1264: Time to leave
Strip 1265: Unexpected changes
Strip 1266: I calls it like I sees it
Strip 1267: Is life done kicking me yet?
Strip 1268: Things to do
Strip 1269: About time, really
-Back To Basics-
Strip 1270: This place is awesome
Strip 1271: But is it better
Strip 1272: Never satisfied
Strip 1273: Tannis, for short
Strip 1274: Boxy
Strip 1275: Near completion
-The Next Chapter-
Strip 1276: The Metroids
Strip 1277: Only Sylvia
Strip 1278: Retreat of the frozen terror
Strip 1279: Heading topside
Strip 1280: Drastic measures
Strip 1281: A bit held up
Strip 1282: Make it better!
Strip 1283: Good luck with that
Strip 1284: Drinkin' time
Strip 1285: A realization sets in
Strip 1286: How to feed the Metroids
Strip 1287: Another hunt begins
Strip 1288: Unusual specialties
Strip 1289: Tasty enough
Strip 1290: Nevah trip
Strip 1291: Minion scrapings
Strip 1292: Shutup Kraid
-The Great Freezing-
Strip 1293: The great freezing
Strip 1294: Never stop
Strip 1295: Go, go, go!
Strip 1296: A hasty escape
Strip 1297: And now we wait
Strip 1298: It settles down
Strip 1299: TO THE BAR!
Strip 1300: Sixteen marathons
Strip 1301: First five are for me
Strip 1302: The End
-Planet Zebeth: The Reawakening (ongoing epilogue)-
Strip 1303: Boop
Strip 1304: What's going on
Strip 1305: Not even remotely
Strip 1306: Assess the damage
Strip 1307: And then....
Strip 1308: Life on the farm
Strip 1309: The sorghum
Strip 1310: Hillin' potaters
Strip 1311: Let's feast
Strip 1312: Farm life
Strip 1313: The stream
Strip 1314: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Strip 1315: The armouring
Strip 1316: WE'RE MARRIED!
Strip 1317: Finally
Strip 1318: Grunky molted!
Strip 1319: Resources
Strip 1320: Attack 1
Strip 1321: Important things first
Strip 1322: Oh hey, it's you!
Strip 1323: Just kinda scooch by here...
Strip 1324: Advanced planning
Strip 1326: We must plot!
Strip 1327: They will know
Strip 1328: Maximum arsenal
Strip 1329: Ultimate power!
Strip 1330: You think escape is possible???
Strip 1331: Maybe we should talk to her
Strip 1332: She hates me the least
Strip 1333: Do you need to talk?
Strip 1334: I had nothing to do with it!
Strip 1335: Oh you did not!
Strip 1336: Shh.
Kraid's True Origin
Strip 1337: Kraid's origin?!?
Strip 1338: The Lizardoth
Strip 1339: It's... much worse
Strip 1340: I must see
Strip 1341: Get rid of it!
Strip 1342: Even more handsome
Strip 1343: The perfect being
Mother Brain Machinations
Strip 1344: Overcoming obstacles
Strip 1345: ZR388